Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

January 19th, 2012

Night Watch, Team Three @ 08:32 pm


Characters: Candice Walker, Kiera O'Reilly, Simón Rodriguez, Meka Palakiko, Sam Ruiz, Charlie Baker, Erica Kauffman, Seraphim Donnelly-Rousseau, and Simon Buford
Setting: Around Blue Ridge campus on Friday night 8pm-12am
Rating: NSFW, violent imagery and cussing
Summary: Team Three goes on night watch!

Even though Hunter had been poking Candice all week about not making her team and Candice had given her just as much shit back, she was a little disappointed her dastardly duo wouldn't be working with her. Though, she had been quite pleased with her team. She was sure the two Quirank students would be exceptionally helpful not to mention Kiera and Simón. The team figured they would each be responsible for two students and they would figure that out when they needed to, no need to be too planned out.

As they met with their students, Candice was sure to check each one of them out, having two of her own house students was reassuring and daunting at the same time. She knew how her house was quite infamous for just diving into things. "Alright, listen up ladies and gentlemen, we're going to be taking the Southern loop. We'll start here and make our way south west toward the houses. We'll walk to the woods behind Quirank and comb as far back as a few miles and work our way south toward the other houses. We'll check the perimeter of the parking lots near the school's housing and then do a run through of Black Bear Road. Another group is checking behind the Black Bear community and we're checking the actual community. Now don't go peeking in any windows," she said specifically looking at Sim with a big grin.

"Make sure ya stick together," Kiera added. "We don't need anyone runnin' off on their own. If ya see something just point it out as quickly as possible. There's a chance that it might be too dangerous to give chase and if it is, we'll have to just call in the aurors."

"If we are to use any sort of spells they will only be disarming spells or protective spells. We are not to hurt anyone or anything," Simón said carefully. "Disarm," he repeated. He had all of these kids in Defense Against the Dark Arts at one point or another and knew that they could get carried away sometimes in the heat of a duel or a simple disarming match. "Does anyone have any questions?"
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Date: January 23rd, 2012 11:17 pm (UTC)
Erica had been as bummed out about Amelia Gray's death as the rest of the Blue Ridge, and when the chance came up to sign for watch duty, she had made sure to be one of the first. She could have picked a more exciting group, but there was only so much that she could do as far as that went. They had a couple of Quiranks at least, maybe they would have some sort of brilliant plan that none of the rest of them had thought of.

With one headphone still in, the dark-haired girl had been listening with half attention while the professors explained their route. When they were told to stick to disarming only, she furrowed her brow a bit. "What if we're in direct danger or something? Because if anyone or anything tries to bite my head off tonight, well.." she trailed off, gesturing weakly with her wand. "We learned combative magic for a reason! Shouldn't we be on guard here, just in case if anything happens?"
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Date: January 24th, 2012 02:29 am (UTC)
"Yeah," Sam chimed in. "What if we're in a real pinch?" he hadn't been gung-ho about using dangerous magic on anyone but if things got hairy... what were they really supposed to do?

"You should absolutely be on guard, that's what being on the watch team is all about. But still... disarm," Simon repeated, pointing to the two students in particular. "Don't get into any battles or duels, just get the attacker disarmed. But... if it's a creature or a muggle," he didn't think it would be. "You may use stunning spells."

Sam nodded and looked at Erica sympathetically. She had a point.

Candice plucked the headphone out of the girl's ear and cackled. "Can't be on guard with this garbage going on can you?" she held the headphone to her ear and grinned. "Not bad kid," she handed it back.

Sam couldn't help but laugh at that though. Leave it to good old Candice.
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Date: February 5th, 2012 09:19 pm (UTC)
Sera stood up front, keeping as close to Meka, and as far from Charlie as she could as the teacher's explained everything to them. Trying to just stay focused and not worry about who else was in her group. She was here to help protect the school and that was exactly what she was going to do.

She tried not to show it, but she was actually a fair bit nervous too on top of everything else. The teacher's really weren't much help either. This was all just precautions right? Just encases.. She wasn't too worried if it was just a muggle or small creature of something though. She continued to listen, disarm, she could do that. No problem.

When Candice pulled the ear phone out of Erica's ear, Sera couldn't help but smirk a bit herself. Good for her! Sera thought, she really had no patience for people who took this whole thing like a joke. She took the distraction to finally turn to Meka though before they headed off, poking her in her the arm. "You ready? You don't think we'll actually run into anything too dangerous, do you guys?" She leaned in a bit, talking more to just Meka and Sim than anyone else.
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Date: February 6th, 2012 02:37 am (UTC)
Meka had smooshed herself between Sim and Sera, occasionally reaching over and brushing the back of Sim's hand with the back of her own. She was trying to brave, trying not to panic. This was one of her duties as a student leader and there were so many more people there as well. They would all help each other out.

She smirked at the interaction with Candice. Turning to Sera she smiled and gave her a little nudge. "Yeah, I think I'm ready," she nodded, speaking quietly. "I don't think there's anything we have to worry about," she said feeling a little unsure of herself. She was saying in the hopes that it would make her feel braver about it. "We'll be alright.
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Date: January 28th, 2012 11:49 pm (UTC)
As the search went on there was an eerie feeling about the woods, their security had been shaken from it's very foundations and there was good reason. The team moved through on their route from the south, though jumpy they remained relatively calm with their professors. Little twig snaps reminded them that the woods were not devoid of life and after the first few animals had scurried across their path, they made sure not to jump at every sound. It was when the loudest of those cracks sounded through the otherwise silent night that shook the group.

Just ahead of them, someone was sneaking around unidentified. Then the person stopped when the lights from the small group shone down his way. On bated breath everyone waited until Candice Walker hollered, "Hey! Who is that?!"

The unidentifiable person took off running, dodging through the woods and trees at a wicked pace, trying to loose the group as fast as possible. The person zigged and zagged trying to loose their tail.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry