Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 10:10 pm

[info]thedirtysouth posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Mack & Tatum.
Setting: Wednesday Evening
Content: SFW? NSFW? Language probably?
Summary: Mack comes over a few days after their fight to say she's sorry. You can't keep the dream team apart!

It had been almost four days. Mack wasn't sure what exactly she had done in the last few days without Tatum, but she had never felt so out of sorts. If possible, it felt even worse than before when Tatum was still rejecting her. She had been moping around her room, moping around Hunter and had just generally had felt like throwing up most of the time. The girls second to last text had been echoing around her head as well. Did Tatum regret it all? Mackenzie didn't know if she could handle it if she did.

She had written several different texts to the girl, but couldn't find the words she felt like she needed to say. The blonde had ended up deleting them almost instantly. Now she was pacing outside of Tatum's door, trying to decide if she should knock. She missed the other girl terribly. Taking a deep breath, she stepped up to the door for the sixth time. Her fist hovered a few inches from the wood and she could feel her heart pounding out of her chest. This all seemed too familiar, except this time, she was a nervous wreck. What if Tatum really did want to go back to her old life?

Ignoring the urge to run, Mack quickly rapped her knuckles against the door. "Hey, uh, T," she called quietly, hoping that Tatum did decide to ignore her. "It's me. Can we talk?" She started to panic slightly as the seconds ticked by, was Tatum even home? Maybe she didn't even miss the blonde. Mack raked a hand through her hair agitation and lifted her hand to knock again.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry