Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

January 3rd, 2012

(no subject) @ 12:48 pm

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Date: January 8th, 2012 04:23 am (UTC)
Mackenzie had been particularly sensitive to the younger girl's moods since they had said goodbye to chez Dubinsky and headed back to school. Tatum had been excited about her internship but sad at the same time at returning to school. It was different now, even if everything seemed to be the same, in a lot of ways. It seemed like Tatum getting kicked out not only effected the redhead but had caused a ripple effect to turn a good portion of Mackenzie's social circle on its head. She had especially noticed it yesterday afternoon when Tatum had returned from her orientation. The younger girl had been nervous when she left in the morning, but still excited. When she had returned later in the day however, Mackenzie was almost positive that she had somehow let someone die on her watch. She had remembered, perhaps a bit too late, that it was also Sera's birthday and that there must have been some family tradition that Tatum was missing out on. The two sisters hadn't talked much since Tatum had gotten kicked out, at least from what she could tell, and Mackenzie wasn't entirely surprised to find out that Tatum hadn't gotten anything for the younger sisters birthday.

That was why she found herself sitting in the passenger seat of the redhead's car parked in front of the pet store. Mackenzie couldn't help but chuckle at Tatum's words and lean across the center console to give the girl's cheek a quick kiss. "Okay, first of all T, you didn't ruin nothin'," She stated seriously, frowning a bit in concern. "You did what was best for you and Sera just...well...reacted poorly. Not your fault she broke up with Jenny, or anything else that happened afterwards." She drummed her fingers on her leg, holding back exactly how she felt about the situation, because Tatum had already heard it, especially after the Alex/Sera/Jenny/Charlie drama at the New Years party. While she loved Sera, she wasn't exactly impressed by the girl's choice of action.

"Second, no one likes cats as much as you," she teased, prodding the girl in the side gently. "You're like, the crazy cat lady in the Simpsons. Thank god you're dating me, or I'm sure you'd have about a thousand of them by now!" She winked at the other girl and began to haul herself out of Tatum's car, stretching her muscles and wincing slightly when she was rewarded with several 'pops'. "Does Sera even like animals? I would think they were too dirty for her or something. Doesn't she have like, OCD?
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Date: January 8th, 2012 08:00 pm (UTC)
"R-Right," Tatum agreed without very much conviction, chewing her lip as Mack's lips brushed up against her cheek. She sunk down a little in her seat, smiling sheepishly. "I was just.. b-being honest, I didn't think she'd-- y-you know, do that to Jenny, I just.. I dunno, I feel like it's all my f-fault but I know it's his l-loss, right? Like everybody s-says," the redhead murmured, more to reassure herself than her girlfriend. Things were slow moving for her, realizing that this was life now and she was probably going to be on a permanent outs with her family whether she liked it or not, but remembering that it was her dad making them live this way and not her definitely helped.

She squirmed a bit as Mack prodded her, sticking her tongue out at the blonde. "S-Screw off," she giggled weakly, "Don't think you're g-gonna stop me, I'll still have like.. a b-billion cats, wait until I'm a b-big baller and I got my own place, it's gonna be cat city, bitch!" she joked, straightening up and trying to look more serious as she peered out of the back window toward the pet store. "She likes.. self-sufficient pets, I guess. Her frogs don't really do much but I t-think she likes them.. and s-she likes pets once they like, grow on her. I just t-think she needs a companion."

The redhead trailed off slightly, her teeth chewing her bottom lip all over again as she thought. "I won't p-pick anything dirty."
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Date: January 19th, 2012 08:16 am (UTC)
"It's not your fault kiddo," Mackenzie reminded the younger girl again. She knew it wouldn't really make a difference, but she figured if she kept saying it, maybe the younger girl would believe her eventually.

Mack just snorted at the cat city comment and raised her eyebrow at the other girl. "Cat city, huh?" She asked sarcastically. "You plannin' on spending you days alone with fifty cats? 'Cause let me tell you now little Tot, you ain't getting laid if there's a billion googly eyed freaks staring at ya all the time." Mackenzie was mostly joking, she did love Lunkhead more than a healthy person should. The stupid fat thing always somehow ended up sharing her food with her if she ever at in her room. It was like he had mind control or something. It did always creep her out a bit when he would suddenly pop up and stare at her when she had company over. Especially when it was female company.

"So...basically, Sera is a lazy bum when it comes to animals." Mackenzie joked, leaning down to look at Tatum through the open car door. "As long as she doesn't end up some crazy person who talks to her pets all the time, I suppose this is a pretty smart idea babe. She did look a bit lonely last I saw of her, so lets go get her a little furry friend to play with."

Mack couldn't help but snicker after a few moments, realizing what she had just said could elude to. She really wanted to follow up with, "since Jenny's furry friend isn't around anymore", but she figured that Tatum would definitely not appreciate her comedic genius on this one. So, Mack just straightened up and closed the car door, waiting for Tatum to join her on the side walk and keeping her vagina jokes to herself.
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Date: January 24th, 2012 01:10 am (UTC)
"Well that was sort of my plan," Tatum admitted, laughing weakly and sticking her tongue out at the older girl. "Before you came along anyway.. but obviously y-you don't like kitties as much as me, so I guess I'll just have to settle for one lady and one kitty for now," she replied, finally climbing out of the car, locking the door behind her and making sure to slam it hard. It was sort of tricky when it wanted to be.

"I wouldn't s-say lazy.. she'd probably hate to be called any kind of lazy. But she d-does like the low maintenance pets, yes," the younger girl joked back. "I think a pet w-works wonders, I mean.. there's even like, p-psychology studies, y'know. Animals can r-really help people out," she explained, trailing off a bit as she watched her girlfriend snickering, furrowing her eyebrows at the taller girl.

"Do I even wanna know?" she asked rather sarcastically, as she rounded the other side of the vehicle and began to made her way up the sidewalk toward the shop, hands stuffed into her pockets. "I wanna say, preemptively, that you're gross.. probably. You only m-make that face when you're being gross."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry