Characters: EVERYONE!
Rating: NSFW
It had certainly been one of the most eventful winter vacation's Michi had ever experienced in her life. And though it was crazy, it had also been one of the best. She wasn't quite sure about the whole hosting New Years Eve thing, sure they had hosted almost every party to date at Blue Ridge but to be honest she didn't know if she wanted to deal with it or if she could really handle it at that point. Still, she plodded along with it anyways. Decorating had always been one of her favorite things anyways, except Hunter wouldn't really let her hang anything up too high.
"I'm pregnant, not broken," she protested with a little grin every time something was taken away from her.
Hunter hadn’t had a vacation quite as good as this one in a long time, and though it didn’t come without it’s sacrifices, it was the closest thing to a perfect Christmas she could remember. No one was fighting, no awkward family dinner where almost everyone was uncomfortable, and everyone that she actually cared about was gathered under one roof. For once, she was pretty sure that she and Mack had experienced what a legitimate Christmas was like, the stupid kind that was usually reserved for television and movies.
She was happy, and especially so as she and Michi were finishing up with the last few decorations around the party. She had made them dinner earlier, while Tatum and Mack had been gone out for a little while to get drinks, and it had been nice to have a few minutes to just themselves before everybody arrived and overwhelmed the house. Hunter was a social creature at heart, and being away from everyone at school was starting to get to her, but she was more than ready to fight anybody who messed with them tonight.
“Nobody said broken,” she corrected Michi automatically, taking another streamer out of her hand and bringing her wand to it, stringing it up that way, “Just like.. y’know, fragile. Handle with care an’ all that shit.”
Michi sighed, still smiling, and whipped her wand in the air, sending the rest of the streamers flying. She walked over to the older girl and rested her head against Hunter's shoulder. "There, all done," she said brightly. "No more 'a this fragile talk though, I got this thing," up on her tip toes she gave Hunter a little kiss and grinned.
"When you think that gonna start showing up?"
“You got it all,” Hunter laughed easily, scrunching her face up automatically against the little kiss, ever the goof. She pulled the younger girl into a bear hug, giving her a weak squeeze and resting her chin on top of her head. “Sooner rather’n later, I’ll tell ya that. When I go to a party at somebody other person’s house, I gotta have like.. set up time. I show up early and get my pre-drink on too,” she explained, trailing off.
“We should probably give everything a last check, ya think? Then we good to go?”
Michi giggled and nodded. "Yeah, we can do one last check an' make sure everything's in order. I mean, we're pretty much professionals so the rest is just kickin' back and relaxin' after this, right?" She did a precursory look around the room to make sure she hadn't rushed anything at the last minute and let Hunter lead the way.
“It’s all kickin’ back and relaxin’ for me.. twenty-four seven party with this bitch,” Hunter laughed back, pausing for a second to shove a few of Kate’s magazines under the sofa with the toe of her shoe. “I guess so long as they don’t totally trash the place.. I told Kia we got this under control. Which is mostly true so it ain’t like I was lyin’ or nothin’ about it!”
Pausing once again, the blonde shook her head. “Fuck it, c’mon girl! I figure we got maybe fifteen ‘fore Mack an’ kiddo get back and then people will be showin’ up.. soon but not too soon. I wanna get a li’l bit of snuggle time in before that. Who cares what the place looks like? They’ll trash it, I’ll fix ‘er. No big.”
"Don't gotta twist my arm," she said brightly before flopping onto the couch almost gracelessly. "Gotta take that snugglin' time seriously when it's depending on other folks bein' around," she laughed. A part of her did want to go around and check that everything was perfect but that was a very, very small part of her.
Wasting not a moment, Hunter flopped down heavily on the edge of the couch, scooting Michi in and getting them both comfy for their snuggle quickie. It was getting more and more awkward to position themselves in more way than one since Michi’s stomach had been growing, but they made it work. Hunter was more than used to reworking herself to adjust for her gangly limbs anyway.
“I always take it seriously,” the blonde replied, her head finding a good spot to rest against the arm of sofa. “Enjoy it, kid. Fifteen to go and it’s on.. chins held high, right?”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes contentedly. "As high as they can go," she whispered back. She was going to do her damndest to enjoy the night.