Hello students and staff!
We have a busy month ahead of us! As always I will start with the quodpot results from this weekend. The top seed, Appalachia faced off with Roanoke. Despite the third seed's best efforts, they could not stop the force that was Appalachia. The wolves are now guaranteed a spot in the finals on May 25. Next weekend we will find out who out of Shenandoah and Quirank will face last year's reigning champions. On Saturday, the BRU quodpot team faced off the New York City University of Magic for the last university game of the season. It was with a certain vigor that the BRU team took home the win. An excellent season from the University quodpot team. Congratulations!! Join us next Friday for the last quarter final for quodpot and again on Saturday for the last quidditch games of the season!
Don't forget that prom is in two weekends! There will be a professional photographer at the door and this year's theme is faerie tale couples. Don't forget that there will be aurors around the school for protection and teachers as always will be chaperoning. Have fun and be safe!
Just another reminder about important dates!
May 11: Quirank and Shenandoah battle it out for who will take the last spot in the finals!
May 18 and 25: Quodpot bronze finals and Quodpot gold finals
May 19: Prom for the whole school!
June 1 and 2: Musical and dance production
June 4-8: Quodpot, Quidditch, and Cheering try outs for next year!
June 11-15: Finals week
June 16: End of the year dance
June 23: Graduation
July 28- August 11: Blue Ridge Camping Field trip!!
This weekend there will be another patrol for the Watch Teams, if you would like to assemble please show up at King's Hall at 8:00 sharp!
Thanks so much!
-Headmaster Ichirou Sato