Jenny had been worried sick, and that was putting it entirely lightly. Sera never went more than a couple of hours without answering a text for her, so twenty four hours, and then forty eight hours and counting was far too long for her to wait. Her phone was on, ringing, which was the worst part. She had tried to be calm and just carry on with her Christmas, which had actually been quite amazing in all honesty, but she just couldn't keep the brunette off of her mind. It just wasn't Christmas if she wasn't sharing it with her at least a little bit. She didn't even know what the other girl's parents had given her, there had been talk of cars but she was excited to see the actual outcome of the day.
The lack of conversation and communication was worrying though, very out of character for the normally prompt and to the point Sera. She wasn't late or absent without an explanation, and as far as Jenny was concerned, not bothering with answering her messages for several days was just as much of a deviation from organization as any of the rest. Sera's inbox probably had about a hundred messages built from her before the blonde finally gave in to her worrying and got dressed to leave and head for the Floo station.
Stepping out of the fireplace in the Donnelly living room was almost eerie, there as a definite quiet settled over the home, and it made Jenny uncomfortable almost as soon as she arrived. It was dead silent, and as she took a closer look around the room, it even looked sort of abandoned. There was unopened presents still under the tree, and the place looked even more immaculately clean than Madeline usually kept it, as if she had been tending and tidying more neurotically than ever before. Already, Jenny didn't like the vibe she was getting from the house. Something about the usual small country house charm was gone.
Making her way cautiously out of the living room and into the hallway, she glanced to the kitchen, which she found empty. If Sera was even home, she was probably upstairs, and so Jenny began to make her way up there. It was still quiet, even as she shuffled along the hall until she reached Sera's door. Every single door up these was shut and closed, and it struck her as odd. Usually at least one of the twins had their door cracked with some sort of music or something. Maybe no one was home after all, perhaps they had all made an impromptu trip to Paris to see their grandparents or something and just lost their cell service, but Jenny just couldn't convince herself to leave until she knew.
What if they were all dead or something? It was deserted enough, and it was starting to creep her out like a good mystery book. If she cracked a bedroom door and saw anybody laying around motionless, she was pretty sure she would lose her mind. Just pushing herself closer to Sera's door instead, she just gave her knuckles a quick tap on the wood before pushing it open and letting herself in, glad to find it was unlocked.
Seeing Sera sitting on the floor, she was first struck by how glad she was to see that the younger girl okay, and then she noticed how distressed she looked just a moment later. "You had me so worried!" she huffed, wasting no time in moving over and dropping down on the floor beside the brunette. "What's happened? Are you okay?" she asked more gently a moment later, reaching over and pushing some of Sera's hair behind her ear.