Parents Weekend: Sunday @ 12:27 pm
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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry |
September 19th, 2011Comments
Julian had skipped out on most of parents weekend. His mom had explained that she'd seen it all before and didn't need another tour around the school and as such he'd spent most of Sunday chilling in his dorm room. When the explosion went off it rattled all the windows and he could see the smoke from where he was standing. Rushing out of the building, Jules was in full-blown panic mode. He hadn't gone to the talk on the green but that didn't mean his brother and sister didn't end up going!
Rushing past hordes of people, some dusty and coughing he grabbed anyone he recognised. "Where's my brother! Have you seen my sister?" No one was answering, more interested in the location of their own families. He skidded to a halt at the parking lot, the smoke stinging his eyes, though frustrated tears were welling up, too. Taking out his wand he flicked it irritably, the weak silver of a patronus disappearing before it even reached the floor. Yelling in French on frustration, Julian looked around for someone to help him.
Hendrix had been on the green with his mother and father, it was no surprise to him that they had been arguing when the explosion shook the ground and the debris began falling around them. Hendrix, panicking, covered his mother, wrapping his arms around her. A piece of car struck Hendrix's shoulder, knocking him off kilter but he still remained firm. "Mom, you okay?!" he asked.
"I'm okay," she said hugging him. "Hen! You're bleeding!" He finally looked down at his own arm and his eyes grew wide at the blood. "Fuck, fuck... I have to go... I'll be okay, I have to find Jenny and Ella," he said of his friends. "Hendrix no!" He didn't listen though, as he took off and headed straight for the parking lot. He was barely paying attention when he ran into his former housemate who was looking just as frustrated and shocked. "Julian," he said putting his hands on the other boy's shoulders to stabilize himself. "Are you okay?"
Jules was a second away from tossing his wand into the burning wreckage when Hendrix collided with him. Blinking and grabbing the younger boy's shoulder in return, he was shocked to find his hand come back sticky. "What's going on!" he yelled. "Have you seen Alain? Or Astrid?"
He pushed Hendrix further back from the parking lot, finally registering that Hen was bleeding. "Do you need a nurse?" It was a lame question and Julian was way too tense to risk any sort of botched healing spell.
"Something exploded, I think I got hit with piece of car," he admitted looking at his shoulder.
"I'll be fine," he said. There were more important things to worry about. "I will help you look for Alain and Astrid," he said, stubbornly ignoring his wound.
Julian repressed his squeamishness and inspected Hendix's wound. "S'all right. It's not hanging on by a thread or anything" he reassured the younger boy, keen to keep moving and find them. He removed his sweater and fashioned a crude bandage, tying it around Hen's shoulder to help stop the bleeding. With a pat on the back he hurried along, following the general direction most people were headed.
"Why would something explode? Faulty wiring? Perfect timing.." Julian muttered.
"Thanks," Hendrix admittedly appreciated the bandage however crude it was, it would at least slow down the bleeding. He reminded himself he would need to buy the boy a new sweater after this. He followed along, walking with a purpose and keeping his eyes peeled for Julian's siblings and for his own friends.
"I don't know man, look at the smoke," he said pointing it out. The wisps were still blueish in color, much like the school's colors. "It looks intentional. Or maybe it was someone's idea of school pride gone terribly wrong," he hypothesized.
Looking back at the smoke, Julian had to admit there was something magic about it. Rather than grey it was admittedly blue. "You mean like fireworks? I mean... no one would do that on purpose. Not here. It must be an accident" he said stubbornly.
"Right," Hendrix nodded firmly. "Right. It had to be an accident," he said. "A fireworks mishap, a senior prank," he looked around more panicked. There was no way to be so certain at the moment but he had to believe it. "An accident," he repeated dumbly.
His eyes scanned the crowd. "They're gonna be okay," he said as a few students ran past them.
Julian was busy texting anyone who might have been on the green, but with so many people saying that hadn't seen either of his siblings he was starting to calm down a little. Alain hardly left his room and he couldn't see Astrid going. He had to keep his head.
"Everyone's going to be okay" Jules echoed Hendrix firmly. "Where were you rushing to like a bat out of Hell anyway? Your parents are okay?"
"Yeah," he nodded dumbly. "They were right by me when it happened. They're both fine. I was looking for Ella and Jenny," he said, his eyes still flicking through the crowd for the two small blondes. He worried about his cheerful friends often but this was something too serious, something they had never had to deal with before.
"Those twins? They're pretty popular, someone will be taking care of them" Julian tried to reassure Hendrix with a smile. Still, he kept an eye out for the identical blonde heads.
There had been no sign of Headmaster Sato yet which annoyed Julian some. Shouldn't he be right in the middle helping? From the snatches of conversation he could hear most people were screaming terrorism, but it just didn't make sense.
"Right, you're right," he nodded, smiling. "They will be okay," he reassured himself.
He reached down and helped another student up before he got trampled to death in the panic. "What should we do?" he asked the older boy. "They must need help somewhere," he said as they passed a group of first years huddled together.
Helping would keep them busy, at least. "Get up to Kings Hall!" Julian barked at the first years, who jumped slightly and high tailed it back up to the building.
"We should find where they're putting all the injured" he suggested, his stomach flipping uncomfortably.
"Right," he nodded. "Right! The emergency plans..." he ran through it in his head, trying to picture what the emergency routine was. "We're to meet on the Green if there's a fire and we're to meet in King's Hall if something on the grounds happens," he remembered finally.
"We should move some of these people," he looked over to where an elderly couple hobbled along and silently thanked whatever gods that would listen that his grandparents had stayed home for this year's parent's weekend. He rushed over and offered his arm to the woman. "Let me help," he said to her.
Julian was relieved that Hendrix seemed to know what to do and following his lead grabbed the elbow of the elderly gent. He seemed quite deaf, probably even more so now.
"How loud was the explosion? I thought my windows were going to shatter! I bet some muggles are wondering what it was." They wouldn't be able to get in anyway Julian assumed, but gave a look of worry to the younger boy all the same.
"It was pretty loud, shook the grounds and everything," he nodded. "I don't think the muggles could not hear it. They probably think it's an earthquake though," he said looking around. "I wonder if they saw the smoke..."
"Maybe they'll think it's the mist," he suggested, still looking concerned. They were high up in the mountains but it was obvious that there was a difference between smoke and mist. "They'll smooth it out with the muggle liasons I think," he said distracted.
"You're right. Man, I hope they find whoever did this" Julian growled as the man he was supporting trembled fearfully.
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