Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

September 19th, 2011


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Date: September 20th, 2011 11:01 pm (UTC)


He stood up from the the bed reluctantly and stretched. "I do," he said turning to her and smiling warmly. "They always make me smile."

"I'll be right back, no burst nuggets or anything," he pounced down the stairs and arranged the nuggets to make a little smiley face on the plate, remembering to grab the ketchup from the refrigerator before heading back up.

"Nuggets are served," he said coming through the door again and presenting her with the plate.
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Date: September 20th, 2011 11:08 pm (UTC)


Ella's smile matched her plate. She could get used to having her own nugget-fetcher and bringer of ketchup. She squirted ketchup to look like hair, giggling before popping an eye into her mouth.

"Perfectly done!" she said, giving Hen a shove.
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Date: September 20th, 2011 11:20 pm (UTC)


Hendrix beamed, he was glad to have made her smile even if it was just getting her chicken nuggets and ketchup. He sat down next to her again and let himself revel in the normalcy of the moment. "Thanks, it was pretty uh... pretty tough work in the kitchen," he grinned.
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Date: September 21st, 2011 01:25 pm (UTC)


"Oh I can imagine" Ella played along, chucking a nugget to Maurey. "It's hot, pup! Blow on it first" she told him, and he seemed to understand. He shouldn't really have chicken nuggets but it had been a scary day.

It sounded like a lot of students were returning to their dorms and Ella guessed they had been dismissed from the hall. "At least we don't have to all sleep in the hall tonight" she muttered.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry