"Beautiful melodies to my ears," she whispered back as she let him pull her along into the wreck. She watched with wondrous eyes, that could have been easily mistaken for dismay, she needed to survey the damage and try to calculate the response time.
She felt a kid in a candy shop as they tore through the debris and the chaos. People were already holding each other and crying, screaming out for each other. There were several people sitting on the ground in shock, blood pooling around them. There was noting so serious but there was plenty of blood and panic. Plenty of time for things to go even more terrible... but these people were not their target, they were their audience and there was a message. The school would not save them against the muggles and there was a stronger power out there, one that was able to respond.
"You've done so well," she said softly, giving his hand another squeeze.