Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Tatum/Mack @ 09:07 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"You're.. w-welcome, it was simple," Tatum murmured back, wishing she didn't sound as sheepish as she felt. She slid her wand away, fidgeting a bit and rubbing her hands on the top of her jeans as she listened to the older girl speak. "Uhm, I dunno. Maybe I will, I mean I-- I guess I will. That's what I'm supposed to do," she murmured back, looking away as Mack did the same.

She watched the blonde prod her forehead, and it made her crack a weak little smile. "Stop it, you'll like.. I dunno. Irritate it," she warned her almost automatically. Her smile widened a bit as Mack protested against her new whiner title. "Okay, maybe I'd like.. enjoy it a little bit. I could stitch you up real good! You know, like.. for practice," she joked.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry