"You wouldn't report me," Jenny assured her, smiling weakly as her eyes met Sera's. She felt a bit reassured at first, but it quickly turned to a feeling of dread in her stomach as the brunette went on to mention how bad it could have been if she had really slipped up. So much as Jenny hated to admit it, she knew the reason that the idea of slipping up scared them so much was because eventually it was going to happen.
They were out to everyone at school, even to Sera's mother, to everyone except for her father and they could only keep him in the dark from the rest of the world for so long. If they didn't slip up, eventually someone else would. It would theoretically be easier to just have Sera tell him now, before someone else did, but Jenny had a feeling they both knew that wouldn't happen. Not anytime soon at least. There was a reason Tatum lived her life in such denial and panic all of the time, after all.
She sighed a little as Sera leaned against her, the blonde's hand moving up instinctively to rub the younger girl's back as she rested on her. "It's okay baby," she agreed, nodding a bit and feeling better when the brunette had settled down on her shoulder again. "We have each other no matter what, right? We have us, and we're in love. And that's usually all they need in like, fairy tales and stuff. But I want to be the princess, you have to be the prince or something."