"I guess not." Sera grinned, kissing her girlfriend lightly on the nose, having to lean down just a bit to reach the shorter girl. "You better not get caught though little missy 'cause I'll get in trouble for not reporting you." She giggled, wrapping her arms around the blond and squeezing back.
She pulled back just enough to look at Jenny again, letting go of her waist with one hand which she use to gently lift the shorter girls chin up slightly. Her eyes met Jenny's and she held them there. "Yeah it'll be okay. I've done a lot worse and so have the twins and he gets over it. It just sometimes takes him a few days, that's all." Sera shrugged, averting her eyes from Jenny's for just a second. It may not have been the first time but it had been a while since she had argued with him like that.
She shrugged again forcing a smile. "It would have taken him a lot longer than a few days to forgive me if I let it spill about us though." She was frowning slightly now but still trying to look at the blond. "I'm glad I stead mostly under control, I almost told him Jen. I don't even want to imagine what would happened." Letting her hand slide down Jenny's neck, resting it on her shoulder she leaned her head against, tearing up a little. She was trying to be the strong one but it was hard.
"Yeah." She added, lifting her head for a second. "They'll figure out what happened today though. Sato knows what he's doing, we'll be okay." Her head fell back against Jenny's shoulder, explosions seemed slightly less important to Sera right now when all she could think about was that at some point her father would find out and probably disown her.