Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Tatum/Mack @ 03:54 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Just as she usually did whenever someone snuck up on her, even if they had technically been there first, Tatum practically jumped out of her skin as the blonde girl cleared her throat so nearby. She rounded on Mack quickly, spluttering a bit on the smoke she had just successfully swallowed. "F-Fuck!" she managed to get out, clapping herself on the chest to try and stop the coughing.

"D-Don't fucking do that!" she eventually added, once her coughing had died down to a dull wheeze and she was able to start smoking again. She glanced back toward the hall before doing it, taking a long haul and then exhaling in gentle smoke rings. "Fuck the hall, they're all just.. being assholes," she muttered.

She made a little face as Mack called her a sight for sore eyes, sticking her tongue out instinctively at the older girl. "Whatever," she sighed, in her typical response. "What happened to your head?" she asked, catching sight of the little gash over the other girl's eyebrow. She scrunched up her nose a bit, stepping closer and peering at it. "Did you e-even heal that? What's wrong with you?!"

Already, she was reaching for her wand in the waist of her jeans.


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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry