Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Hunter/Mack @ 07:00 pm

[info]thedirtysouth commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Mackenzie nearly went face first into the pavement as Hunter clapped her on the back. Coughing violently at being hit on the back with the combination of smoke that hung in the air, Mackenzie straightened up and looked in the direction of Hunter's frantic gesturing. Her eyes went wide as she saw the charred mirror sticking out of the cracking glass. "Well fuck!" She said, coughing into her sleeve again as she looked at the truck. "Looks like you're going to be a slimy little freeloader and take my truck until yours is fixed huh?"

It was all a little too real, there had actually been a car that had exploded. If this is what Hunter's car looked like, what did the people who were caught in the blast look like? She hadn't really been looking too closely before, she had been more worried about getting to Hunter. Now though, she started to panic about all the people the knew that could have been hurt.

"Hunt," She asked slowly, turning to look at her tall friend. "Have you seen Mich? We gotta find Mich, and help these people. Kia's setting up a makeshift triage area." She thought for a moment, looking towards the mass chaos that was the green. It would be hard to look for anyone until things were sorted out. Many of the instructors of the auror programs were already starting to organize things. "We should help," She said finally, looking back at Hunter. "We can look for Mich while we get people taken care of. Sera and Tatum too. We'll never find them in all the chaos otherwise."


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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry