Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

September 16th, 2011


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Date: September 21st, 2011 06:42 pm (UTC)


"I still agree with your mother, I think you might have been under an unforgivable curse," Jenny murmured, at least half-joking. She was mostly unsure that Hunter was actually clever enough to cast imperius on anyone, rather than that she doubted the blonde would actually do it.

When Sera turned over, Jenny flopped down flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling and tilting her head a bit as her girlfriend spoke to her. "I know," she assured her, smiling. "I think I've ratted on Ella enough for one parents weekend though, she isn't supposed to wake me up at four anymore! We'll see how it goes," the blonde added.
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Date: September 23rd, 2011 09:47 pm (UTC)


"Hunter wouldn't actually do that, I don't think anyway." Sera laughed catching what Jenny said and grinning down at her from the pillow. "..and besides I acted plenty stupid before I even knew her."

"Are you serious Jen?" Sera asked already ready starting to giggle. She flopped over on her back like Jenny and turned her head to face her. "Who's she supposed to show all those funny cat things too now?" She asked shaking head and smirking over at the older girl.
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Date: September 24th, 2011 11:50 am (UTC)


"You hope she wouldn't do that you mean," Jenny laughed back, shaking her head. She didn't really have a problem with Hunter, per se, but the way that she acted around Sera sometimes did sort of fluster the blonde. It mostly bothered her that she couldn't be bothered to cover it up and act charming once in a while, like Mack tried to do every time a new season of Glee was airing.

"She's weird," she commented with finalty, head resting on the younger girl as she flopped over to match her. It always took them forever to get comfy and stop moving around.

"I didn't mean it like that! I still want to see them all but.. just not before sunrise. And I really wish they'd work on their spelling and grammar!" she protested, giving a cute pout. She was pretty sure the bad language skills were part of the joke, but she didn't get the humor in it. "I mean, she's.. what would I do if El didn't wake me up every night?" she reasoned, smiling lightly. As much as she hated to admit it, the habit was sort of endearing.
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Date: September 24th, 2011 09:43 pm (UTC)


"Yeah like a 6 foot toddler." Sera added with a laugh, still moving around to get comfy herself. Neither of them were very big but Sera still much preferred snuggling up in her in queen sized bed at home. Jenny's head was laying against her chest and she reach up brushing another piece of hair out of the blondes face.

"I think that's supposed to make it funnier." Sera added, even if she didn't really quite understand how. "Or they could just be lazy and not want to have to type all the letters is probably more likely."

The brunette smiled as the older girl talked about her twin. She knew as much as Jenny liked to complain about being woke up she`d probably miss it if Ella actually stopped doing it all together. "You're so used to it now you'd probably wake up thinking something must be wrong if she stopped doing it."
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Date: September 26th, 2011 05:20 pm (UTC)


"That's the most perfect description I've ever heard of her," Jenny laughed back. She had heard some choice words used to describe Hunter, usually from Mackenzie, but Sera's was definitely the very best. She wasn't sure that the older girl really had an idea what growing up was, or if she was ever going to do it. She took immaturity to a new low sometimes.

"I don't get how cats are funny but science isn't," the blonde pouted. "She didn't even crack a smile at the difference between a mathematician and an experimentalist!"

Lifting her head a little as Sera teased her about Ella, the blonde pouted further. "You're right," she admitted, before snuffling in again. "I'd probably think she snuck out or something if she wasn't there just.. doing whatever all night. And she knows how I feel about sneaking out!"

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Date: September 26th, 2011 07:58 pm (UTC)


The brunette just grinned in complete agreement, she was kind of done talking about Hunter for a bit though. She and Jenny always seemed to disagree a little on the subject even if it was mostly just in good fun.

"Science is way funnier." Sera assured her leaning her head on the blond, grinning at her as she pouted, she always looked so cute when she made that face. "Tatum's the same way though, cats are hilarious to her but tell her a science joke and she looks at me like I've got three heads." Sera joked back. She and Jenny had very similar senses of humor and she knew her joke well. The punch was of course that a mathematician thinks that two points are enough to define a straight line while an experimentalist wants more data.

Sera grinned down at the older girl giving her an almost disapproving look. "So it's only okay for you to sneak out for bootycalls then?" The brunette teased, running her fingers lightly up Jenny's side, lifting up her shirt slightly as she did. "Must be a special Head Girl privilege, huh?"

She continued to play with the bottom of Jenny's shirt, her fingers tingling along the blonds stomach.
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Date: September 27th, 2011 10:11 pm (UTC)


"Sisters," Jenny sighed playfully, shaking her head a bit. "I don't know what to do with them," she joked quietly. She knew of course that they both loved their sisters in their own ways, even if Sera showed it a little less often. Snuggling in, the blonde was quickly squirming away again as Sera looked down at her. "Hey! I didn't.. that's different," she replied, her cheeks flushing a little as she was once again pouting up at the younger girl.

"You're an ass," she laughed, twisting her body away a bit from the fingers tickling up her side, making her shiver. "Quit it," she added, quite unconvincingly.
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Date: September 27th, 2011 11:00 pm (UTC)


"What would you call it then?" Sera asked looking down at Jenny and noticing her cheeks flushing, she couldn't help but grin a little at the sight. "Cause I remember it pretty clearly, both times actually..and we definitely weren't sneaking out to study." She added, giggling at the blond at she spoke.

"Quit what?" Sera smirked, not letting up she sit up partially and leaned over Jenny. She grabbed the blond, tickling her on both sides of her torso now. "Tickle does it? How about this?" She tried to ask the last part seductively but just ended up laughing. She leaned in further nibbling playfully at the side of the older girls neck.
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Date: September 29th, 2011 10:27 pm (UTC)


"Hey!" Jenny protested, cheeks still flushed and a little grin on her lips. "I was trying to study, I don't know about you, but it's not my fault you were acting all.. you know, come hither and stuff," the blonde retorted, lowering her voice comically and raising her eyebrows for the 'come hither' bit. "How am I supposed to just read a book then!?"

She tried to seem genuinely irritated with the brunette, pouting up at her like she was, but she didn't stand a chance of keeping a straight face as Sera began to tickle her more. "Screw off, seriously!" she laughed, still trying to squirm away. Her laughter cut short as she felt the younger girl's lips on her neck, drawing a breathy sigh out of her that made the blonde girl blush furiously.

"Tease," she laughed lowly, sounding just a touch shaky.
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Date: October 1st, 2011 06:14 pm (UTC)


"I was not, well maybe a little." She smirked at her girlfriend, blushing a little at the blondes imitation. "..but you weren't trying to read. You know we only brought books incase we got caught." She laughed, poking Jenny in her side, but only gently.

When Sera felt Jenny's breath and heard her little sigh her whole body shivered, talking in a deep breath herself and bringing her lips to Jenny's neck again.

"Not teasing." Sera assured her quickly, moving her mouth down to Jenny's collar bone and shoulder, pushing her bra strap and sleeve down down out of the way. "Just getting started."
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Date: October 1st, 2011 09:36 pm (UTC)


"Okay, maybe that was the plan, but you talked me into it!" Jenny giggled, squirming away from the poking again and sticking her tongue out at the brunette. "Everyone knows you're the bad influence here, biscuit!"

She meant to tease the younger girl further, but Sera's lips quickly silenced her, making the blonde whimper gently. Hearing the brunette's words, Jenny's eyes went slightly wide as a shy smile crossed her lips and she felt a familiar flipping in her stomach. "Promise?" she whispered back.
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Date: October 2nd, 2011 12:27 am (UTC)


"I'm very well behaved." She assured her, pouting slightly at her girlfriend. "I have to be, I'm a prefect, it's what everyone expects." She looked down at Jenny, holding herself above the blond with both arms. "I guess I'm a bad influence sometimes though." She had to admit, she usually was the one who came up with crazy schemes. "You're Head Girl though, so it's your job to like keep me in line, ya know?" She smirked at Jenny, leaning down by bending her arms, she kissed the older girl.

"Of course I promise Jen." She whispered back, keeping her voice just as quiet. She reached down beside the bed, and grabbed her wand. She flicked the lights out, locked the door and put a silencing charm around the room before returning her wand to the table next to Jenny's bed. This wasn't exactly something two people in their positions wanted to get caught doing, so they always took the same precautions. Even if Jenny's room would probably be the last in the whole school to get checked.

She returned her attention to the older girl, pulling her up by her arms so she could pull her shirt over her head. She tossed it somewhere on the floor and pulled off her own. She leaned down again, kissing Jenny just above her bra, her bare stomach pressed against her.
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Date: October 2nd, 2011 12:40 am (UTC)


"I can only do so much to control a wild girl like you," Jenny joked softly, leaning up a bit to meet Sera in the kiss as the younger girl bent her arms. When Sera leaned over and got her wand, casting their usual charms, Jenny felt her stomach flipping all over again. Anticipation was taking over before they had even really started to touch each other. They had never been caught so far, but it was always better to be safe than sorry.

She certainly wouldn't be complaining about the freedom of a university dorm next year. Letting herself be pulled up, she easily slid out of her shirt, watching Sera closely as she got rid of hers as well. Feeling the younger girl's lips kissing her chest, their skin grazing each other, the blonde exhaled shakily and let her eyes close for a moment.

Her hands moved with practiced precision, fingers tickling their way up the brunette's back as she leaned over her, finding her bra strap and undoing it in a single flick. She fought the urge to whimper a little as the garment went slack, and she barely caught a glimpse of the younger girl.
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Date: October 2nd, 2011 01:21 am (UTC)


Sera pulled Jenny up once again, grinning at her and allowing her a good look at her now completely naked upper half. She pulled the blond towards, reaching her hand to her back and unhooking her bra. She tossed it off to the side somewhere too.

She pressed herself down against the blond, feeling Jenny's hot skin against her own, she couldn't help but arch her back, pressing harder against the blond as she did.

Kissing her again, she sucked gently at the blondes bottom lip, just how her girlfriend liked it. She gave Jenny a devilish little smirk before moving down letting her tongue graze gently over the top of Jenny's nipple.
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Date: October 2nd, 2011 10:38 am (UTC)


It seemed like taking things slow wasn't in Sera's plan for the evening, and Jenny couldn't really complain. Her arms raised obediently to discard her bra, letting it slide away easily and lifting her back off the bed as the brunette arched down against her. There was nothing better than skin on skin, especially after a stressful day.

"Y-You're so tense," the blonde whispered, her fingers trailing slowly up the brunette's arched back. She returned the kiss eagerly, letting a little moan escape her as the younger girl sucked at her lip. Sera knew exactly how that drove her crazy, just like kissing her collarbone. Things definitely wouldn't be going slowly if she kept that up.

Lifting her hand, she ran it through the other girl's hair as her mouth moved down her body, making Jenny's breath catch a little in her throat.
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Date: October 2nd, 2011 11:52 am (UTC)


"I know, I was so excited for parents weekend but having him here is stressing me the hell out." She whined slightly, leaning her head against Jenny and pouting up at her her. "This is helping though." Sera informed her, just feeling of Jenny`s skin a lone was enough to drive her crazy.

Sera usually tried to take things slow but she kind of needed this right now and noticing Jenny's breath catch only made her want it more. She lingered on Jenny`s breast, moving her tongue slowly around the top of it. Looking up at Jenny once and a while, pretending to stop just to tease her. She reached her other hand which had been clenched against the pillow by the head board and slowly trailed her fingers slowly and softly down Jenny's side.
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Date: October 2nd, 2011 10:50 pm (UTC)


"I'm glad I could help then," Jenny whispered back, sighing happily as Sera kept up the movement of her tongue, each flick making the blonde shiver all over. Every time the younger girl gave a false stop, another little whimper would escape the older girl, her back giving the slightest arches against the touch.

Feeling the fingers moving down her side, tickling her slightly, the blonde gasped. "W-We have to be quick, okay? Just a quickie," she whispered, smiling weakly. "Big day tomorrow, right? So j-just fuck me."

She had a feeling that even if tomorrow was a bad day, though she hoped it wouldn't be, thinking about tonight would get her through whatever came.
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Date: October 8th, 2011 07:27 pm (UTC)


When Jenny announced they had to be quick Sera was already two steps ahead of her. Her hand stopped on the button of Jenny's jean shorts, fumbling at it for a just a second before unhooking it. She glanced on up at Jenny once and then placed a kiss just above her panties, her hand moving them down slightly with her shorts.

"How quick are you talking?" She asked, moving her mouth down slightly further without waiting for an answer and without taking her eyes off the older girl. "Just a quick taste then."
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Date: October 11th, 2011 12:50 am (UTC)


Jenny supposed that she should have known the younger girl would find a way around her conditions, but she really had no room to complain. She felt a shiver from the base of her neck and right down to her toes as the brunette clumsily undid her shorts and began to pull them down. The blonde's hips lifted obediently off of the mattress, making the task easier on both of them.

"Quick enough," she warned, not breaking their eye contact until the younger girl's mouth began to move lower. That made the blonde's eyes slide closed as her teeth caught her lower lip, pulling it gently. "Did I s-say you could do that?" she asked, a bit rhetorically. Her legs were already hooking over the brunette's shoulders.
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Date: October 16th, 2011 08:33 pm (UTC)


"I don't really see you arguing." Sera grinned, looking up at the blond again when Jenny hooked her legs around her shoulders. "I promise I'll try to be quick though, you have to promise to though, I know what you're like." She giggled, scrunching her nose up at the blond.

She wrapped her arms around Jenny's legs pulling her body against her mouth, she let her tongue play gently over the top of Jenny's clit, pushing just a bit harder as she want. She lifted her head smiling at her but not moving her mouth away. Grabbing the blond with both hands about her hip bones, Jenny's legs still around her neck, she slipped her tongue slightly lower, just where Jenny liked it. She couldn't help letting out a little moan and gripping Jenny's hip a little tighter when she finally got a good taste of the blond, sticking her tongue in slightly.
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Date: October 20th, 2011 12:24 pm (UTC)


Sera made a most excellent point. For all of her chiding and teasing, Jenny had zero actual argument. She could tell the younger girl to hurry up all she liked, but both knew she didn't really want her to. It was all part of the game, the right good girl thing to say. "Yeah right, a-act all tough but you love a good after snuggle," she murmured back, lifting and shifting her hips as the brunette moved, trying to make the position easier on both of them.

Any and all thoughts of speed and teasing escaped her once Sera's tongue began to touch her, a low little whimper coming out of her as she chewed on her lip. The brunette knew just what to do, and Jenny loved it. Like anything else she did, Sera was a perfectionist when it came to sex as well. She rarely disappointed.

"Shit," she breathed shakily, her legs tightening a bit around Sera as she bucked her hips up slightly against the brunette's slipping lower tongue. It was hard to be quiet, despite her own rule, and she moaned softly when Sera did.
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Date: October 22nd, 2011 12:43 am (UTC)


Sera glanced up once again, slightly more serious, leaning her head against Jenny's leg. "Of course I do, you know I love holding my boo after I fu- after we make love." Sera corrected herself giggling up at Jenny, before laying a few soft kisses down the inside of Jenny's thigh. Talking really wasn't what she wanted to be doing.

The brunette continued to work her tongue, in further, moving it up and down slightly and then back up to the top, taking her time in between. She paused, her breathe catching slightly hearing Jenny let out that little returned moan, she arched her back slightly, pressing her own body against the bed. Sera knew the blond usually did all she could to keep quiet and repeatedly warned Sera to do the same, but Jenny's little slip really just made her want to work harder.

She reached her hands under the blond and grabbed at the small of Jenny's back pulling her in towards her again and pressing harder with her tongue.

When she finally had to take a breath she pulled her head back slightly and made to giggle. She didn't bother removing her arms which had managed to wrap themselves around Jenny's legs. "You swear a lot more during sex. It's pretty cute."
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Date: October 23rd, 2011 01:39 pm (UTC)


"Y-Yeah, make love," Jenny smiled back slowly, amused with the younger girl's correction and trying not to shiver all over as the brunette's lips trailed kisses down her thighs. She only trembled slightly, her hand dropping down tangle her fingers gently through Sera's hair, pressing her in more firmly.

It was definitely hard to keep quiet, especially when Sera just got more into her actions, but the blonde kept it together; chewing at her lips instead of letting out the noises held just behind them. Lifting her hips eagerly from the bed as Sera's hands slid underneath her, the older girl was positive that her thighs were trembling now, still wrapped tightly over her girlfriend's shoulders.

Her eyes had been closed, but she opened them a bit as Sera pulled back, lifting her head enough to look down at the brunette, smiling weakly back. "Fuck off," she whispered back breathlessly, cracking a grin.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry