Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Sera/Jenny @ 09:18 am

[info]sosuccsexy commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Ron and Paula had left just a little while ago as well, also choosing to skip the alumni drinks due to their lack of alumni status. Jenny was a little sad to see them go, it was always hard to leave them behind even at seventeen, but she knew they'd be back in the morning. Besides that, she really was exhausted. Between splitting her time between all of her clubs, cheering at the exhibition games, and keeping a mother-hen Head Girl on everything, it was exhausting.

It was only nine, and she had already been drifting off as she lay on top of her bed covers, book open on her chest. Sera's knocking disturbed her and the blonde jolted up, sniling lazily as her girlfriend let herself into her room and began to talk at a mile a minute. Her sleep addled brain tried to keep up, but eventually gave up.

"Wait, what about your dad?" Jenny mumbled, shifting around on the bed as Sera flopped down. She wasted no time in snuggling up and practically attaching herself to the taller girl's side. "I had fun.. well, mostly fun. We missed you at some of the tables earlier.."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry