Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Ella/Jenny @ 08:25 pm

[info]sosuccsexy commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Paula tried to keep a straight face, but had to crack a little smile as Ella pulled her lid down. "Okay, okay.. as long as you're not tired, I suppose. Though your dad doesn't always go to bed when he should either," she replied, eying him a little. How many times had she wandered out in the middle of the night and covered the two of them up on the sofa? They were a real pair of night owls, she supposed she should be used to it by now.

"Please don't give her permission to stay up until six! Quiet hour still needs to be like, ten," Jenny quickly chimed in, laughing. "Right?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry