Mackenzie laughed as her older sister was sprayed with pancake and swept up into Hunter's hug. Kia was less amused however, but there was still a small smile on her face as she hugged the girl back. "Well someone had to show up to keep an eye on the two of you!" She wheezed, jabbing the taller girl in the ribs so she would release her from her vice like grip.
"Mackenzie was supposed to tell you I was going to be here," She continued, shooting a stern look at the other blonde. Mackenzie only gave Hunter a sheepish smile and small half shrug before looking down at her food. She really hadn't meant to forget, Hunter had just been hanging around with Michi. She hadn't wanted to interrupt and it had slipped her mind the next time she had seen the taller girl.
"Ya'll were busy when I came to tell you about it," Mackenzie offered, sticking her tongue at the taller blonde. "Hunt's got a girlfriend now sis, she don't have time for little 'ol me anymore."
Gasping, Kia turned back to Hunter and crossed her arms. "You have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?" She asked, raising her eyebrow in question. Kia had always pried into the two girl's love lives, it was her job as older sister and temporary parent. She wasn't worried about anyone taking advantage of them, but she did worry about their potential to self-destruct a relationship. Plus, she wanted to make sure whoever they were dating would treat them right. "Do I get to meet her? Where is she? Does she have a sister for Mack?"
"Kia!" Mack protested, looking slightly horrified. "I don't need help getting a date! Jesus! I have plenty of girls who want a piece of this."
Kia just scoffed and waved off Mackenzie's protests, "I'm not talking about lovin' and leavin' them Bunny. You need to settle down! I want grandkids!"
Mackenzie was speechless, Kia had not only used the stupid nick name she used to call her when they were younger, but she had insinuated that she wanted grandkids. "Wha-? Don't call me that in front of people! And they wouldn't be your grandkids anyway! You're my sister! Back me up here Hunt!" She turned to Hunter with a slightly exasperated look, hoping that her best friend would get her sister off her back. She knew that Hunter would probably side with Kia though, she always did just to piss the shorter blonde off.