The brunette just grinned in complete agreement, she was kind of done talking about Hunter for a bit though. She and Jenny always seemed to disagree a little on the subject even if it was mostly just in good fun.
"Science is way funnier." Sera assured her leaning her head on the blond, grinning at her as she pouted, she always looked so cute when she made that face. "Tatum's the same way though, cats are hilarious to her but tell her a science joke and she looks at me like I've got three heads." Sera joked back. She and Jenny had very similar senses of humor and she knew her joke well. The punch was of course that a mathematician thinks that two points are enough to define a straight line while an experimentalist wants more data.
Sera grinned down at the older girl giving her an almost disapproving look. "So it's only okay for you to sneak out for bootycalls then?" The brunette teased, running her fingers lightly up Jenny's side, lifting up her shirt slightly as she did. "Must be a special Head Girl privilege, huh?"
She continued to play with the bottom of Jenny's shirt, her fingers tingling along the blonds stomach.