Sera tried not to look over at her sister, probably out of fear of laughing as Tatum actually managed to spit out a couple bites. She noticed either of their parents seemed to be noticing what was happening though.
The brunette glanced out instantly at her father, giving him her full attention and he had always demanded when he speaks. She stared at him kind of dumbfound. As far as she knew Rath and Tatum were the exact same size and neither of them were much bigger or smaller than she was. She considered pointed all this out but thought better of it. "I eat all the time dad." She went with instead, as calmly as she could. "The food here is really amazing I told you." She smiled brightly at Mick before looking to both the twins. "They do too. I see them in here all the time. Sometimes we even all eat together. Right you guys?" She shot both of the twins a quick smirk.
Madeline looked to each of the three kids and then at her husband. "They look the same as the always did to me Mick." The three children had always been fairly thin in her opinion.