Characters: Hendrix, Ella, probably Jenny
Setting: The Parry House, Thanksgiving and the day after
Rating: Adorably SFW
Summary: Hendrix and Ella hang out, obviously cuteness ensues
He couldn't believe he was sneaking out of his house. He had never snuck out of the house before, he had never really had a reason to sneak out of the house but once the idea popped into his head he couldn't sit still. After throwing some clothes in his backpack he climbed out his own window and climbed down the fire escape. Once he was on the ground it was a straight shot to the local floo network. It only took a matter of seconds before he was standing in the terminal of the local floo station just outside of where the twins lived in Michigan.
His head was kind of woozy as he stood there in the public station, adjusting the straps to his backpack. He was basically there, he just had to get to the house now and climb up to her window and that would be it. Right? He plunked himself down on a bench and rested his head in his hands for a few minutes, trying to steel his nerves. He knew at that point that it was now or never so he forced himself up and walked the few blocks to the Parry house.
Hendrix felt like a spy as he ducked in and out of the shadows and then climbed up to Ella's window, hoping that she wouldn't scream at the sight of a boy in her window. He gave it a little tap and waited.