Yori beamed at Hunter when she told him he was the perfect build for quodpot and even moreso for the exact same position that Michi played in. He looked across the table proudly. "Hear that, I can play like Cocoa does. She's really good. You should see her in the games!" he said excitedly.
Michi frowned a bit, like that would ever happen. Mika and Akio looked at Yori as if he were speaking a foreign language and then turned their attention back to Michi and her girlfriend. "Straight talk, right," Mika said coolly. "How charming," she listened to Hunter's summation of their relationship and nodded. "See, your parents might be alright with you having whatever unnatural feelings you may have but I am not okay with my daughter having them, especially for someone as... uncivilized as yourself."
Michi couldn't stand it anymore. "So you'd rather have me be with someone who hits me than be with someone who actually cares about me?" she challenged.
"If that someone you're referring to us Pascual... then yes. I would rather have you be with him than to live in this... unnatural affair."