"Perfect build," Hunter leaned over to inform Yori with a quick nod. "You'd be a great centre, just the same as your sis," she went on to tell him, despite the obvious protests and waves of dislike washing across the table at her. She agreed with Michi; let the kid do whatever he wanted.
It was one of the reasons she loved having her parents around. They never pulled their heads out of their asses long enough to remember she existed, let alone try to tell her what she could and couldn't do at school.
Turning on Mika finally, the blonde was trying super hard to bite her tongue. She even literally wash, crushing it between her teeth as she tried to think of the best thing to say. "I dunno what that word means, but I'll have ya know I talk jus' fine! I don't got to.. co-eek_uak-isms or nothin' goin on.. just straight talk."
She was touched Michi took up for her, grinning broadly as the younger girl spoke. "Ma'am, I've been tryin' real hard to be nice an' all but I got this feelin' that y'all don't like me much. That bout right?"