Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Michi/Hunter @ 08:41 am

[info]texasranger commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Hunter didn't need any more of an invite than that. If Michi wanted her there, she was staying until the other girl told her to leave. And whatever Mika and her supposed husband thought about that were somewhere at the very bottom of the list of things the blonde cared about.

"Thanks," she said brightly, moving over and plopping down next to Michiko with her food. "Hey shrimp! What's up?" she answered, leaning forward on the table a bit to see around Michi and grin at Yori.

It wasn't hard to tell the tension that had set in from the adults across the table, but Hunter wouldn't let it deter her. She was just going to grin and try to keep them off of Michi's back as much as she could. She didn't plan to be rude to them, but if they kept looking at her like that..

When Mika asked about her parents, Hunter turned toward her with an unusually sheepish smile. "Well, my folks aren't exactly the visitin' type.. I mean, to come all the way up here, muggles an' all so they'd hafta fly.. I'm jus' by my lonesome this weekend," she explained, with a smile and a shrug. Trying not to seem like it bothered her. It sort of did in a lot of little ways, but it was expected. She was already over it.

She didn't even tense up when Michi called her 'girlfriend' in front of her parents, but she was a bit surprised. She remembered how well that had gone over last time. Leave it to her girl to cut to the chase. "Oh yeah, that too," the blonde quickly agreed, scooting over closer to Michi. "I mean, I sure did miss her all day, ma'am."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry