Keen to not get embroiled in some family drama Samir jumped in before either of Dani's parents could say anything. "I used to be in Shenandoah, too. I still get a kick out of seein' 'em win. Good, strong team this year. Great chances." Really he was just rattling off whatever he'd heard Teodoro barking at dinner time, never having really followed the games.
Samir/Dani @ 05:31 pm
softlysoftly commented on blueridgemod's post in blueridgeschool:
Keen to not get embroiled in some family drama Samir jumped in before either of Dani's parents could say anything. "I used to be in Shenandoah, too. I still get a kick out of seein' 'em win. Good, strong team this year. Great chances." Really he was just rattling off whatever he'd heard Teodoro barking at dinner time, never having really followed the games.
Keen to not get embroiled in some family drama Samir jumped in before either of Dani's parents could say anything. "I used to be in Shenandoah, too. I still get a kick out of seein' 'em win. Good, strong team this year. Great chances." Really he was just rattling off whatever he'd heard Teodoro barking at dinner time, never having really followed the games.