Much like all the other students at Blue Ridge, Michi dreaded parent's weekend. It was just another reason for her mother and her former step father to gush over Yori and criticize Michiko, at least that's what it felt like to her. It wasn't just parent's weekend though, Michi was sure was coming down with something. She had been suffering waves of nausea all day and was just trying to fight another one as they sat at one of the long dinner tables together.
"Michiko Anna," Mika snapped from across the table. "Stop playing with your food," she chastised.
"I aint hungry," Michi said sullenly.
"You want come of my dinner Cocoa?" Yori asked sweetly, pushing his plate toward his big sister. "We can share if ya want," he offered.
Michi couldn't help but smile and ruffle his hair. "Nah, it's okay Yor. I don't want you goin' hungry."
"You know Michiko, you're not really setting a good example for your little brother," Akio interjected.
Michi glared at him. "You barely say a word to me in twelve years yet you feel it's necessary to criticize me every second of the one day you see?" she asked, an incredulous look on her face. She was having a shit day and she just wasn't in the mood to deal with it.
"Michiko, don't speak to your step father like that!" Mika said angrily.
"He aint my step dad," Michiko said, deliberately slow. "You two split and he signed over his parental rights. I can talk to that asshole any damn way I want," she covered her mouth and waited for the barrage, wincing slightly but was glad when she received silence. It was only then that she noticed they were no longer alone at their end of the table.