Dani hated parent's weekend, it was just another excuse for the whole family to come to campus and pick away at every little thing. The only thing she ever looked forward to was being able to spend time with her mom. Dani's parents had opted out of an official tour, choosing instead to have their own daughter walk them around and show them some of her favorite things. She had intended to take them to the quodpot field but Laddy other plans. The blue minipit had been pulling on his leash all night and when Dani was distracted he gave her the slip, sneaking out of his collar and bolting.
Laddy made his way around the field, checking out the tables and getting treats from random passers until he found his way over to Samir's table. A dog with a sweet disposition he greeted the scratches with a happy tail wag until he heard Dani's voice. His ears went flat to his head and his tail tucked between his legs.
"Laddy! You fat little shit!" she hollered as she crossed the field. Markus and Jada were right behind her, Markus looking embarrassed and Jada only smiling. "Oh fuck sorry Mr. Marciano," she said clipping Laddy's collar and leash back on. "You aint gettin' any treats tonight," she scolded the dog.
"Danielle Elizabeth," Markus barked sternly. "Watch your mouth."
Her eyes got wide, remembering that she was in front of one of the faculty members. "Well shit, sorry."