"Oh yeah the concert," Tatum breathed, looking dazed for a moment as if they hadn't been talking about her escaping from it a few minutes before. She had forgotten she was actually going to be in it. She quite enjoyed band, when she was just with the other members, but being on a huge stage in front of everyone and their families.. well, that was a bit scarier. The redhead paled a bit. "I h-hope I don't fuck it," she quickly added, eyes on her step-mother's back again.
Sunny's comment about the little hat made her feel better, allowing her to crack a crooked smile. "I so want pictures of that. She'd probably love it too, though she'd probably want you to wear the hat and be her assistant."
All of the talk about delicious pancakes was definitely making Tatum's stomach grumble even louder, and she vaguely wondered how much longer Madeline wanted to be out here. She was starved. Rubbing her stomach a bit as if to soothe it, she regarded Sunny with that same crooked smile still. "Y-You wouldn't be interrupting, it's so.. probably sort of maybe not like that," she laughed, feeling her cheeks flush a bit. "He doesn't even l-like me like that. I'm like, a goof."