Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Tatum/Sam @ 12:56 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"That's exactly what it's l-like," Tatum agreed quickly, nodding. He had really hit the nail on the head with that one. Over-grown fourth graders was the perfect description for Mack and Hunter both, and Tatum was sick of being the girl getting her hair pulled by them. When Sam asked if Mack liked her, she blushed a little again and shook her head.

"M-Maybe? I guess? I mean, she's.. gay or whatever even if I'm.. not. So maybe?" she managed lamely. She had a feeling that once again, he was eerily correct. She had met Mack the first time, after all, when Sera had tried to set them on a date. Which neither really happened nor went well. But Mack had been sticking around ever since.

Being asked about Colin made her tense up a little. She had vaguely told Eden what the situation had been, but she hadn't really told anyone the whole story. Even when Madeline, and Sera, had pried for details earlier she had left them out.

She thought about lying, but there was already enough lying going on. "I-It's uhm, kind of a long story," she began, trailing off a bit and staring at something interested on his blanket instead.

"Okay so like.. when I went h-home in the summer, I was in time for uhm, like his prom? And I guess muggles r-really like proms, and his mom took a bunch of pictures, and it w-was all chill and stuff but uhm," she tried to explain, knowing she was avoiding the point. It was sort of embarrassing at nearly twenty.

"A-Apparently though, I guess you're uhm, supposed to sleep with your.. b-boyfriend. On his uhm, prom. And it doesn't.. always go over well if you don't? After p-promising?"

In Colin's defense, it hadn't been the first time she had turned him down. Far from it, in fact. Chewing her lip, she shrugged. "Whatever though, we're like.. we text. Or whatever."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry