Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Tatum/Sam @ 12:38 pm

[info]samtaro commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Sam listened carefully as Tatum explained. "Damn, kinda sounds like fourth grade all over again when one kid pulls the other kid's hair but it's not okay for anyone else to do it," he smiled. "Do you think... do you think she likes you er something?" he asked.

At the mention of Colin, he looked down at her carefully. "You're on a break with Colin?" he asked, trying to sound as neutral as possible. "What happened?" he went on gently.

He didn't feel so bad about the amount of flirting that had been going on the past few weeks now that he knew she was on a break but he had to wonder why she hadn't told him. It made sense in a way though, it was kind of a tough subject to bring up.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry