"You sneaky girl you," Tatum murmured, smiling back quite fondly. When Sunny mentioned her tour incarceration, the redhead rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. "I think she does more drugs than I do sometimes," she whispered back, watching the older woman's back. "Every year, and you'd think like.. she'd make Sera go, but no, everyone always has an excuse before I do. I think she just likes to come and socialize with the other mothers. Especially since Sera made prefect, just in case you haven't heard her the other six times she told someone about it today."
Her cheeks flushed a bit as Sunny teased her, and she quickly shook her head. "Just.. you know, chilling and whatever," she replied, ducking her head a little. "Dawn of the Dead is on tv? We'll probably watch that, I guess. If he's not too scared," she smirked.