Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 01:05 am

[info]shenandani posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Quentin family, open to the Quentins!
Setting: Memaw and grandpa Quentin's house in Atlanta, Georgia
Rating: NSFW, most likely violence and cussin'
Summary: A typical Thanksgiving at the Quentin mansion

Dani hated the holidays. They spent the morning getting pies ready at their own home and then headed over to Grandpa and Memaw Quentin's home in Atlanta where they spent the rest of the day listening to memaw berate the democratic party and the policies of that new crack pot Sato at the school. She loathed, absolutely loathed, hanging out with her cousin all day and being picked at by her grandmother. It was like they enjoyed watching her squirm.

"Danielle, can you get the pumpkin pie?" Markus asked as he loaded his arms with warm pots for the Thanksgiving dinner. Dani rolled her eyes but grabbed the two pies off the counter anyways and brought them to the car. Micah and Nicole were already sitting in the car, both of them sitting at a window. She sighed loudly and plunked herself down on Micah's lap until he got the right idea.

"Come on Dani!" he complained as he scooted over.

"I aint climbin' over ya! Get over it!" she said squishing him further into the middle. "I'm apparently the only one with arms anymore," she shoved one of the pies at him and then whistled loudly. Second later Laddy came bounding out the door with Markus and hopped right into the car, snuggling at Dani's feet.

"I can not believe you're bringing him. You know grandmother Quentin disapproves," Nicole said as Markus got into the car.

"Fuck off," Dani grumbled. "I don't give a shit what anyone says about Laddy. He's a good boy."

"Danielle, watch your mouth," Markus said, having said that same line at least thirteen times already. There was no bite to it, nothing threatening at all.

Dani rolled her eyes. "Yes papa," she spent the rest of the ride making faces at her sister when Nicole wasn't paying attention. Reaching the Quentin mansion where Markus and his brother grew up, all three children unloaded from the car with their parents. Noah and Jonathan were already there, their cars in the driveway. Dani smiled, knowing that at the very least Jaden would be late, a small act of defiance against their family. It had always been their subtle way of telling the rest of the family to fuck off for years. She was glad that someone carried on with tradition.

Laddy skipped along right beside her, his tongue lolling, as she walked to the front door. She was promptly stopped before entering by an old hand, sticking out from a sickly thin body. Dani quirked an eyebrow. "I have something for your... Laddy," Grandmother Quentin said.

"Nah memaw, he already had a late lunch, he don't need no treats," Dani said, trying to avoid where ever the rest of the conversation was going.

Grandmother rose one delicate eyebrow very slowly and then shook her head. "That was not what I was going to give him," she held out a tiny, white and black sweater, barely touching it, as if it were diseased.

"What the fuck is that?" Dani asked. "Aint gonna... ah. Ah hell no memaw. Laddy aint no sweater wearin' p..."

"Danielle!" Markus said coming up behind his daughter. "What is this? Oh! A sweater for Laddy. How nice."
"This is stupid dad," Dani said pointing at the sweater. "Wicked stupid. What in the hell is this even going to accomplish?!"

"It's festive," Grandmother said stiffly. Her tone of voice was suggesting anything but festive but Dani knew she didn't have much clout.

"He don't wanna wear it," Dani grumbled. Laddy sat by her feet patiently and looked up at her.

"That mongrel is not coming into the house without at least a sweater," she said, shoving the sweater at Dani one last time. "Now accept Laddy's gift so we can all move on."

Dani looked at her deadpan but took the sweater. "Fuckin stupid sweater bullshit," she said putting it over his head and situating it. "She prolly fuckin' made the damn stupid thing all on her own. Sat in a fuckin' old bitch knittin' circle and knitted every ounce of malice into the damn stitches..."

"Danielle... I'm still right here," Grandmother said, obviously less than impressed.

"To tell you the truth memaw, I don't give a fuck. Oh," she put her hand over her mouth in mock shock. "Should I put on a festive sweater or is that still gonna offend you?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry