Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 06:50 pm

[info]texasranger commented on [info]michimonster's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Hunter had been pretty proud of herself for slipping into the role of a future parent pretty easily. Since finding out that Michi was expecting, that they were going to do it together, she had really sort of started to come around. She began thinking of things differently, looking at them from another point of view. It was weird, but necessary. She wanted to be a better parent than her own had ever been. She needed to make grown up decisions for once in her life, even if only a few at a time. She wasn't sure she would grow up entirely, but she was trying to change.

She had began only drinking on Saturdays and at parties, a decision she had made early on, and had stuck to so far. On this particular Saturday, she had her feet up and an open can of beer at her side, when Michi came bursting through the door. She had been ready to jump out of her chair, immediately startled, but then the younger girl had grabbed her hand and pressed it against her stomach.

"What d'you mean wrong?" she asked, obviously concerned as she kept her hand against Michi. She tried to keep it from shaking, as she held her breath a little and waited for something to happen. "Y-You've been good, real good, you didn't do anythin' wrong, c'mon.. be real Mich-- holy shit!" she gasped, pulling her hand back quickly as she felt movement beneath her palm.

She stared blankly at her girlfriend's stomach for a second, before lifting her wide eyes to meet Michi's. "D-Did it just kick me?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry