Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

November 18th, 2011


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Date: November 24th, 2011 12:52 am (UTC)


By the time that Alex had left the bathroom with Charlie, she was more than a little drunk. It really hadn't been her intention for them to finish the whole bottle, but that was just hot things went. Stumbling just a bit in her boots, she made her way onto the dance floor, clumsily shoving people out of her way if they danced too close to her.

When she came upon Dani, she almost walked right into her, doing a double take at the sight of her. "Well look at you," she slurred at her cousin, eyebrows raising. "If you weren't such a nasty bitch, you'd almost look good!"
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Date: November 24th, 2011 01:02 am (UTC)


Dani was mildly horrified. It was the closest thing to a compliment she had ever received from her cousin and it was uncomfortable. "Well... well it's a god damn good thing I am a nasty bitch cause I wouldn't want yer approval anyways," she said stubbornly.

"You look a damn mess yourself," she said, taking another swig of whiskey. "The hell you been into?"
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Date: November 24th, 2011 01:30 am (UTC)


"I never said approval," Alex quickly corrected her, tongue sticking out. She was doing better at standing up straight now that she was standing still, but she still shifted uncomfortably in her boots.

Making a face when Dani questioned her, Alex gave a weak shrug and a sly smile. "Oh you know.. just the peach schnapps," she sing-songed, giggling a bit. "If anybody is to blame, it's Charles. She practically made me do it."
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Date: November 28th, 2011 02:37 am (UTC)


Dani, even if she couldn't stand the sight of her cousin, readied herself in case Alex took a turn for the worse. No one needed to introduce their own face to the floor on homecoming. "Well good," she said stubbornly.

"You're actin' a damn fool," Dani snorted, rocking back on her heels. "Must be a light weight if y'all are stumblin' around because of peach schnapps," she smirked.
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Date: November 30th, 2011 03:22 am (UTC)


"I ain't even a light weight!" Alex protested loudly, looking comically shocked and holding an open hand to her chest. Except that in reality, she sort of was. She and Charlie both could get exceptionally drunk from sharing a fairly small bottle of liquor between them. "Peach schnapps is strong, who are you kidding? I suppose you drink 151 straight out of the bottle like the other dykes around here?"
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Date: November 30th, 2011 08:21 pm (UTC)


Dani snorted and shook her head. "First of all, I got me some whiskey, aint none of that 151 bullshit. It fuckin' tastes like cleanin' solution," she grinned. "And secondly, I aint no dyke. I aint the one with a little dyke-y girlfriend lettin' me on the quodpot team," she teased.
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Date: December 2nd, 2011 09:09 pm (UTC)


Looking comically offended, Alex pressed her open palm to her chest. "Excuse me? I'm the best player that your joke of a team has! My father," she paused to hiccup, "was almost a professional. If it hadn't been for my slut of a mother screwing everything up. I've got extremely talented blood, but I guess the talent skipped you, Danielle."
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Date: December 2nd, 2011 10:42 pm (UTC)


"Sure, if you're delusional," Dani laughed abrasively. "That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard," she smacked her knee then snuck another sip of whiskey. "Damn Alex, I might think you were funny."
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Date: December 2nd, 2011 11:18 pm (UTC)


"Anyway, my point is," she went on, rolling her eyes as her cousin tended to her whiskey. "Some of us are just talented enough to get on the team easier than others. My reputation preceded me, you know. It's not my fault you can't fly worth a turd and you're mad about the fact that the captain likes me better. She's got impeccable taste, what can I say?"

Really, Alex didn't give two shits about Quodpot, or their team. Hell honestly, she didn't even like playing Quodpot. Borderline despised it. But she was far too drunk to do anything but berate her cousin, and she did know how much the game meant to her and the rest of her teammates. They were all such a bunch of twits.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry