Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

November 18th, 2011


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Date: November 23rd, 2011 04:30 am (UTC)

Mack/Tatum/Hunter/Michi/Sera/Rath/Sam/Everyone at Homecoming

Sam made sure to keep his free hand neutral as Mack stumbled closer. "I'm not going to fight you Mack," he said easily, trying to keep himself between the two girls. He didn't know the whole story but he knew that neither one of them needed this anymore.

He nodded to Rath when he asked if he could take care of Tatum. That part was easy enough. It was getting away from the blonde that would be tricky but Tatum made the move. He tracked her through the crowd, only over allowing himself to be one step behind her. "Tate," he said. "Just breathe."
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Date: November 23rd, 2011 07:44 pm (UTC)

Mack/Tatum/Hunter/Michi/Sera/Rath/Sam/Everyone at Homecoming

Rath's sudden appearance threw the blonde off, and she was left for a few moments standing there staring at the trio that stood in front of her. It wasn't until Rath suggested that she head back to her room and sober up that she stumbled back into action that she remembered what exactly was happening. Suddenly everything seemed to happen at once, both boys still stood in front of her but Tatum had made a move from behind Sam. Mackenzie barely caught her arm as she moved into the crowd of people that had gathered to watch.

"Wait!" She said frantically, suddenly sounding a lot more sober than she had the entire evening. The tall girl was still having trouble standing but she locked eyes with the redhead and held onto her hand securely. "T...look, I'm sorry, okay? I only said those things because I'm angry, and I'm only angry because I'm scared of all of these feelings I have for you. I love you. Don't go."

She kept a loose grip on Tatum's hand that the smaller girl could pull out of if she really tried. She felt desperate to get her point across before Sam took Tatum away from the hall. Somewhere in her blurred mind, she knew that it was now or never. Whipping her head around, she searched for Rath, the only person she felt like the little redhead would listen to.

"Tell her!" She demanded, looking at him with desperation. "Tell your sister I love her Rath, you know it's true! Tell her!"

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry