Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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This is Halloween! @ 09:11 am

[info]texasranger posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Everybody!
Setting: The default Blue Ridge party spot aka THE WOODS, on Halloween night 2011! If you're not in university, you best be sneaking right. :)
Rating: Let's be real and say NSFW.
Content: Hunter might be turning into a dad, but she still probably couldn't stop throwing parties unless she died, so she decided to do Halloween right! One big night of mischief and debauchery is much anticipated.

Hunter didn't usually put a whole entire ton of thought into throwing a party. It was one of the things that came naturally, she could usually just make it all come together, even at the last minute. She considered it a gift of sorts, but perhaps it was just that as long as they had booze and or privacy, almost any crowd of teenagers would be appeased. Whatever the case, Halloween was turning out awesome.

She had been limited her own drinking a bit, something Sera had suggested she try slowly at first so she didn't drop dead or something, but there was plenty to drink and more. She seen to that earlier when she had easily sweet-talked Sera into getting a few of her nerdy friends together and doing the decorating, while she dragged Mack off to help her buy supplies, returning with the back of her truck full of liquor and candy. Now with tables and everything all set up, it really did look good, very festive. She would have to ask Sera where she learned to charm things to produce fog like she had done all around the ground, it could come in handy for like.. escaping criminals or something. It looked cool, wafting everywhere around people's feet.

Wading through said enchanted fog, which was swirling about her legs up to below her knees now, the blonde ducked a bit as a firework shot through the air not too far away from it, exploding just about few feet above her head. She grinned. Just what she wanted to see, misbehavior! If someone didn't lose a finger or something tonight from blowing things up, it wouldn't be Halloween.

She just hoped it wasn't her. Dad's needed all of their digits and besides that, it had taken forever to have the other one reattached back in junior year.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry