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Below is information about the "bitchbook: bringing e-dramz to you!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:bitchbook (15549)
(no userpics)
Name:bitchbook: bringing e-dramz to you!
hey, welcome to [info]bitchbook, the original congregation of ranters, shit talkers, and whiners. this is where you let it all out about miscellaneous e-drama, the fat kid in your gym class, or that prick that stole your parking spot at work.

oh look, we have rules, believe it or not:

1. content related promoting is allowed, but must be placed under an lj-cut.
2. if you choose to share your opinion, expect others to do the same. if you disagree with someone, cool. break out the e-guns. don't complain to the moderators about it, though, because we couldn't give a fuck even if we tried.
3. posts that are racist, homophobic or discriminatory in any way will not be tolerated in this community. you will be banned.

any questions? contact one of the moderators: [info]dandi, [info]rambo, [info]hitler, and [info]windsor.

banner by [info]urgent.

Affiliates... show 'em some love
[info]dearyou || [info]dearyou || [info]dear_you
...and our sister community [info]madeofwin~!
Interests:5: assholes, bitching, e-drama, losers, mina has big boobs
Maintainers:3: dandi, hitler, rambo
Members:350: 61_keys_to_play, 872007, _____, _bden_, _empire, abra, ada, adore, aidaniris, alienfetus, aloha, alterna, amoeba, amok, amour, amourfully, anotherday, anthem, anubis, appeal, aries, armcandy, ashly, ashwee, asshat, athena, atma, audacity, avada, azalea, babylon, ballerina, bananapancakes, banhart, baser, bbgood, beckymarie, bitch, blaze, blimey, bloodleaf, bohemian, bosox, bounce, bows, brains, brena, butterface, buyao, caffeine, cairo, canaduh, cannabliss, cat, cecille, centralia, chack, cherieamour, chloee, chuckles, cincinnati, clandenstine, clubs, collision, comfortablynumb, coupe, cousteau, cranium, cujo, dandi, dannynoriega, decapitation, decemberists, decembersnow, demoned, denied, desiired, desolate___0x6, dessen, devoured, diaf, diaochan, disneyworld, ditzy, dollie, donahue, doubleindemnity, drinks, drug, drugs, dust, dutchess, ebola, economics, edo, eevee, eimii, endearing, entropy, erzulie, estella, etudes, ex_grave823, fallenscarlet, faq, feisty, feline, feuerfrei, floggingmolly, forbidden_love, forevertsk, franziska, freck, freekatieholmes, frontpunch, fucker, funk, geneva, glamorousqueen, gonzo, grenades, gulf, gutterslut, guyfieri, haddonfield, hammerofjustice, hanabi, harlock, hatinlovinyou, hayls, headlines, heartbeat, heartofsteel, heartshapecandy, heatbreak, heidigrl43434, highfashion, higinia, hilary, himemiya, hitchedmods, hitler, hoops, horcrux, horror, hotdigidydog, humanitea, hummingbirds, hunkydory, hyz, illuminated, illusions, incense, inspire, isurrender, itsmysoul, jackspicer, jade_priestess, jaimonster, jaxie, jealous, jellybones, jerusalem, joeytribbiani, jolteon, joyrides, juuhachigou, kaibamokuba, kaycelei, kazuya, keyblade, killmedead, kirie, kisaragi, kissys, kouger_paw, laceandcream, ladybug218, ladyfresh, langers, lascivious, latedrives, laughable, lawrencearms, lawrencegordon, liable, lilyyip, linnie, littlebritain, loutaylorpucci, lovelyhorrors, lovenote, luckydigits, luvotomy, magickcauldron, mahou, maniac, mei, midnight, mmmbeards, model, mojojojo, monkers, monoxide, monument, naru, nejjeh, nicoleanne, notjustapuppet, oni_yakamiza, oopsies, opheliac, oxycontin, pance, pandolfo, paperdoll386, party, partybus, peachgirl, peanut, perpetual, persephone, philosophy, pixie_dust, pocahontas, pocketsoul, poetics, poisonheart, policeacademy, popbottles, pornograffiti, pualani, pygmypuffle, pyr0m4n14c, quake, rambo, redeemer, religion, replica_of_me, rescue, reunion, roadie, roark, roniah, rubbish, rue_crow, rufus, ruka, rumor, rumors, rushmore, ryuuichi, sanctified, scrabble, seabear, seaponies, seashore, sehnsucht, sen, serotonin, serpentine, sex_pancake, sexandpolitics, sexpanther, sexytime, shadowvulcan, shinimegami, shinobu, shutout, sincere, siriuslysnape, skinst_bomb, skye, slackkerr, slutfuck, smoke, smoothie, snapple, snowflake, socal, somebunni, songbird, sonyaann, soulmix, sounditout, sounds, sparks, spine, squishy, stalin, stargown, startrek, stfuplz, stigmata, strawberrytea, strip, stxr, succubus, supermario, symmetry, sync, takemeaway, takuya, tastygreenmint, teeth, tennessee, the_gates, throwingpunches, tigerkat24, tilt, tinyvegan, titjobs, tlanti, togepi, tonberry, touched, touristtrap, toybox, tragus, translation, tryst, twig, tyciol, uhoh, undeadrebel, unicorn, utena, val0, viored, wan, wasabi, weak, weavile, whannell, witwicky, wolf, wonder9913, wplk, yellowsubmarine, zebraflies, zeppelined, zombeh
Watched by:219: 61_keys_to_play, 872007, _____, _bden_, abra, adore, aidaniris, alienfetus, aloha, amoeba, amok, amour, anotherday, anthem, anubis, appeal, aries, ashly, asshat, athena, atma, audacity, avada, babylon, ballerina, bananapancakes, baser, bbgood, bloodleaf, bounce, brena, buyao, caffeine, canaduh, careless, centralia, chack, charmdi, chloee, chuckles, cincinnati, clandenstine, clubs, collision, coupe, dandi, death_box, decapitation, decemberists, decembersnow, denied, desiired, desolate___0x6, devoured, diaf, diaochan, driveshaft, drug, dust, dutchess, ebola, economics, edo, eevee, eimii, erzulie, estella, etudes, fallenscarlet, feisty, feuerfrei, forbidden_love, forevertsk, freck, freekatieholmes, frontpunch, fucker, funk, glamorousqueen, guyfieri, haddonfield, hanabi, hatinlovinyou, hayls, headlines, heartbeat, heartofsteel, heartshapecandy, heidigrl43434, highfashion, higinia, hilary, himemiya, hitler, hoops, horcrux, hotdigidydog, humanitea, hummingbirds, hunkydory, iamsunshineee, inspire, isurrender, itsmysoul, jackspicer, jade_priestess, jaimonster, jealous, jellybones, jerusalem, jolteon, joyrides, juuhachigou, kaibamokuba, kaycelei, kazuya, keyblade, kisaragi, kissys, laceandcream, ladybug218, ladyfresh, langers, lawrencearms, lawrencegordon, lilyyip, littlebritain, lovelyhorrors, lovenote, luckydigits, magickcauldron, midnight, mojojojo, monkers, monoxide, monument, nejjeh, notjustapuppet, oni_yakamiza, oxycontin, pance, pandolfo, paperdoll386, pixie_dust, poetics, poisonheart, policeacademy, popbottles, pornograffiti, pualani, ...
Account type:Early Free User

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