12 July 2010 @ 01:08 am
Here are your results for Week Sixty-three: Jewlery/"Pink Lighted Suicide". Thank you for all who voted, congrats to the winners and be sure to enter in Theme Sixty-four, located RIGHT HERE!

you wave off everything while i remain stunned )
09 July 2010 @ 11:17 pm
Here is your voting for Week Sixty-three; Jewelry/"Pink-Lighted Suicide". We went from having no entries to having 10! You guys...ilu. So, here's voting and [info]kiokushitaka should have a theme up before she leaves us all for the paradise known as Puetro Rico~

jt's just another day, another day of cold shoulders )
03 July 2010 @ 03:46 am
Word; Jewelery
All girls love jewelry - focus on a piece, be it a necklace, earrings, a bracelet.

Lyrical; Pink Lighted Suicide ♫ Papercut Massacre
click here for lyrics )

Remember, three icons per theme and you may use the same theme thrice. ♥ Your icons will be due on July 9th at 11PM EST.

Submission Format;
Icon URL:

Voting for Week Sixty-two is right here!