02 May 2010 @ 10:10 pm
Here are your winners for Week Fifty-three. Thank you to everyone who voted and participated. Be sure to submit to Week Fifty-four which is located RIGHT HERE.

Everybody's lookin' for some love )
01 May 2010 @ 12:08 am
Here's your voting for Week Fifty-Three : Video Games/"Strut". Ended up with 10 entries, way to go, guys! [info]kiokushitaka should have a new theme up shortly and thank you for participating!

you got something to say? your hands are tied. open your mouth, open it wide. )
23 April 2010 @ 11:16 pm
Word; Video Games
Your icon must feature a female from a video game. Give me your Chun-Li's and your Zelda's and your Princess Peach's.

Lyrical; Strut ♫ Adam Lambert
click here for lyrics )

Remember, three icons per theme and you may use the same theme thrice. ♥ Your icons will be due on April 30th at 11PM EST.

Submission Format;
Icon URL:

Voting for Week Fifty-two is right here!