iPod Meme!
Hey guys! Last night, Yas and I compiled a new meme for the comm. We actually have quite a few ideas, so look for more in the coming weeks. As always, there's no obligation! This one's a little intensive, so if you want to post your playlists in chunks over the next little while, that's cool. Do what you will! If you want to add a playlist, maybe about a person or what have you, go for it!
Just a general reminder: try and comment to other peoples' posts! This comm is just as much about character development as it is about getting to develop relationships between players and characters!
And a quick question: would you guys like us to attempt to migrate entries over here? I don't know how possible it is, but let me know if you'd like us to do something along those lines. Happy memeing!
Music says a lot about a person and how they relate to the world! An iPod can tell you more about your friend than hours of conversation, and we thought this might be a good way to open your character up through insights that might not be otherwise disclosed. Taking away the future and magical context for a moment, fill out the survey – either IC or OOC – in whatever manner you choose. You might want to add commentary, highlight important lyrics, or simply list the songs. Whatever you do, try and keep the survey in-tune with your characters generic sensibilities. This should be enlightening not just through lyrics, but through the mood, tempo and genre of a song!
Choose 5-10 songs for this playlist, each chosen by your character to represent them. Remember, this should illustrate facets of your character not only through the lyrics, but through the genre; in other words, it should be in accordance with your character’s musical taste.
Choose 5-10 songs for this playlist, each chosen by your character which represent their childhood. It could be songs their parents played for them, but it should have some sort of significant meaning for your character.
a. A song to represent their first kiss.
b. A song to represent their first love.
c. A song to represent their first act of rebellion.
d. A song to represent their first mistake.
Choose five people important to your character, and for each of the five chosen, choose a song that in some way represents them to your character.
Choose 5-10 songs for this playlist, which should represent those songs most likely to be on repeat after your character gets their heart-broken. Some of these songs may be significant to a specific break-up, and you’re free to note that if you so choose.
Choose 5-10 songs for this playlist, which should represent those songs most likely to be on repeat when your character’s in a bad/angry mood.
Choose 5-10 songs for this playlist, which should represent those songs most likely to be on repeat when your character is feeling happy and optimistic!
Choose 5-10 songs for this playlist, which should represent those songs that get your character in the mood – to pick up, to do a dirty dance, or perhaps a little something extra.
Choose 5-10 songs for this playlist that make your character want to get up and dance. Perhaps they deviate from the normal genre your character listens to; whatever they are, they should say something about what gets your character up, motivated and active.
Of the iPods out there, what style/colour does your character own?
How many songs are there in your character's library?
Which band is most represented on your character’s iPod?
Which song is the most played?
Any quirks/details about your character’s iPod or its usage?