ballyknock: grab a pint, meet a new face!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
ballyknock: grab a pint, meet a new face!

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Hi! [22 Jan 2008|01:11pm]

Hey you guys, it's Kate!  I've had some trouble getting myself going here, but my scribbld account seems to be functional now. :)  As you can see, I'm ~rubytuesday here.  So uh...add me.  And tell me who you guys are, so I can add you back.  

...and I guess that's it, except to say that once unconquered gets going, I'll be playing Navin Finnigan there.  So...yeah.  Backstory is good.  Friends, past girlfriends, stuff like would be nice.  So please, please, please, comment here or email me or IM me or something. 

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[ viewing | January 22nd, 2008 ]
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