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Name: Kris
Age: 25
Location: Massachusetts
A random fact about yourself: I'm an Air Force brat.
What artistic medium(s) do you work in? (Example: drawing, photography, writing, dance, etc.) Writing, photography, graphic design, and acrylic paints
Do you have any favorite themes or subjects? My writing is mostly all Law and Order: CI. I'm detectivebear (and others) over on LJ. My photography is all available light, photo of opportunity stuff. My graphic design work is fanart.
What got you started doing your particular art form(s)? I was doing graphic design work just for fun before I knew what it was. I got into photography and painting while in college.
Do you have any sources of inspiration? What are they? Fanart is inspired by fandom and everything else I pull out of my ass.
Who are your favorite artists? Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Gregory Crewdson, Jeff Wall, Piet Mondrian, Andy Warhol, Sol LeWitt, Dan Flavin, Frank Stella, Donald Judd, Bernd and Hilla Becher, and others whose names I can't remember.
Is there one piece of theirs you really love (include a link so we can see if you can!)? Write here.
Have you ever exhibited your artistic work in a gallery, contest, or show? I've had a drawing and a couple photos in several juries student shows at school and just recently had work in local art shows, both of which were juried. Finalist in Photographer's Forum Magazine's Fall contest; Photographs printed in Photographer's Forum Magazine's Best of Photography Annual 2007
Do you have a account?
If so, please link us: fayexfaye.
Any other links to your work? Write/put more links here.
How did you find
artists? Just searched.
If someone sent you a link, who was it (We'd like to richly reward them!)?
Is there anything you can specifically contribute to this community? Constructive criticism and discussion.
Please pass our information onto two other people: One and two.
Please give us a picture of yourself for the member's page:

Please include between 3-15 samples of your work here.
Anything else you would like to add? I have a B.F.A in Graphic Design.
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