Tue, Jun. 14th, 2011, 02:12 pm
[info]inrunes: Hmm..


So.. I can't remember which cards I took from you guys. If you could let me know, that would be win. I may get around to sorting everyone out still. I think I was possibly going to clear another round of mine or make some adoptable or something because there just seem like so many. XD I don't even remember who I finally gave info to and who I didn't - I had some stuff written on paper somewhere too, I think. Will require some searching. Anyway, I may do a big intro post here when I get everything worked out. We can hope.

Tue, Jun. 14th, 2011 01:58 am (UTC)

It's all good in the hood. I'm going to start killing some of mine off because there are too many to be manageable.

You claimed ten of cups from me. (I put who plays which character on the listing if that helps at all).