Tue, Jun. 14th, 2011, 02:12 pm
[info]inrunes: Hmm..


So.. I can't remember which cards I took from you guys. If you could let me know, that would be win. I may get around to sorting everyone out still. I think I was possibly going to clear another round of mine or make some adoptable or something because there just seem like so many. XD I don't even remember who I finally gave info to and who I didn't - I had some stuff written on paper somewhere too, I think. Will require some searching. Anyway, I may do a big intro post here when I get everything worked out. We can hope.

Tue, Jun. 14th, 2011 01:55 am (UTC)

Whatever works for you is fine by me! If you want to do less go for it (less is better than none). I mean, quite frankly you could just have a bunch of dead characters that bit the dust in the Runic War.

Anywho, you snagged the 5 of Staves from me. Hope all is well!