Sat, Jun. 11th, 2011, 12:57 pm
[info]staveitoff: OH HAY SARA

Your character that you don't know who the PB is... it's Fever Ray from her 'When I grow up' video. Her real name is Karin Dreijer. If that is, in fact, her face in your icon since no one is 100% sure what she looks like because she doesn't do public appearances... or something.

Tue, Jun. 14th, 2011 01:39 am (UTC)

Yeah, I couldn't really work it out. Some people say it's a kid they used in one of their old videos for the Knife all grown up, whilst others assume it's a model that's often in clips for her projects. And yeah, it could also be her. I wasn't sure so I left it.. but I haven't checked in ages to see if it was ever sorted out. XD

Tue, Jun. 14th, 2011 01:56 am (UTC)

HAHAHA, so true! XD WHO THE HELL KNOWS. I kind of like not knowing... I think.