January 26th, 2011

08:51 am
[info]acuportwo: Adoptables

I have two adoptables.

Firstly is Midori Tanaka. When her parents died she was a young mother of a bastard child. She had a younger sister, Ume to care for and instead opted to have the girl adopted by Isamu Kimura. When Midori's son Kenshin was married to the Princess Rikku she was overjoyed, but it was shortlived as her son died in the Great War. However she's still a mother-in-law (Becky plays Rikku) and an older sister (I play Ume). There's plenty of built in tension. She'd probably be a darker card (or a rune if you decided to play her as a rune). She could definitely have left the House of Cups to escape her disappointments there.
She's played by Maggie Cheung, though this can be changed.

Secondly is Leopold "Butters Stotch" Seward. Just kidding about the Butters Stotch. It makes me laugh every time. He's the son of Azrael (the Emperor's favored executioner) and brother of Fiona. He's mostly useless. He was once The Lovers, having fallen in love with a whore and taken care of her as best he could. He could be engaged to someone, or a hanger-on in court.
He's played by Guy Pearce, though this can be changed.

12:27 pm
[info]allpentup: Availability in the Pents

Two of Pentacles (Princess Imphera) is created but available for adoption. Not a big, I'm happy to play her if no one wants. If someone wants the Two card but not Imphera herself, I will NPC her and the card can be made available.

The Major Arcana I had that I've since made available for creation are Death and Justice. Have at!

Queen of Pentacles taken by Carol, Eight of Pentacles by Becky, Ace of Pentacles and Knight of Pentacles by Joey, Four of Pentacles by Sara.