Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011, 10:21 am

Check in to reestablish/create character relationships ('cause fucked if I remember).

Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:13 pm (UTC)

Pentacles: Cruise Control: Prophetess Orché, Faiz Veçhzma, Tarven Smith

Tue, May. 31st, 2011 11:53 pm (UTC)

I think Tse (the orphan kid) would know Faiz and Tarven fairly well just from being around.

Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:36 am (UTC)

Yes! Tarven would be a sort of... watchful adult and Faiz is just all over the kingdom with who she knows (and she can handle kids, particularly if he's overinquisitive or bratty because that's what she was like).

Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 01:05 am (UTC)
[info]cutyouificould: Faiz Veçhzma and Tarven Smith

Peace likes them both a lot. NORMAL PEOPLE. LET'S HANG PLEASE.

Ebele probably knew them when she lived in the Pents kingdom.

Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:38 am (UTC)

YES to Ebele, and MOST LIKELY YES to Peace. She's just a little more higher in the class system than they are, but they're friendly! Tarven probably more likely on that front because he's in with Finnarch. Faiz is kind of... not liked (if asked in public, behind closed doors all those hypocrite bastards are lining up for her)

Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 02:36 pm (UTC)

Ebele probably threw back a few pints with them xD She might try to sneak back in to see them both.

I think that's why Peace likes Faiz XD She's not a huge fan of Temperance and most of the work she does that is close to her heart is definitely questionable in society so she probably is attracted to Faiz in that way. NONE OF THAT GAY SHIT. XD