Arcane Kingdom Out of Character
Check in to reestablish/create character relationships ('cause fucked if I remember). Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:10 pm (UTC) allpentup
Holla for Pentacles: Varvenis, Bariah, Ebilene, Maricosa and Imphera Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:32 pm (UTC) cutyouificould: Varvenis
He's Elizabeth's favorite aside from her twin. Louis doesn't understand the way he runs his kingdom but to each his own right? Liam: 8| forever. Thanks for the wife. Ebele came from the Pents kingdom, she was not a fan of the rules there. xD Peace is still pissed about the whole... sister killing thing. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:06 am (UTC) allpentup
Varvenis actually agrees with Louis on that one xD He wouldn't run his kingdom to such stupid laws if it weren't the way the people were already operating! He just goes with it because a civil war would be BALLS. BUT LIAM. IT'S FOR THE BEEEEEST. :| Peace :( HE'S SORRY Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:37 pm (UTC) cutyouificould: Bariah
Louis quietly deals with her. Not a huge fan. Elizabeth hates the bitch and will do anything to piss her off. Genevieve likes her... axis of disliked wives? XD Lily thinks she's a fierce dresser but she would never live among the pents. Peace hates her. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:09 am (UTC) allpentup
Oh Louis, no one is xD FEELING'S MUTUAL, YOU SLUT. Muwahaha, oh you know it. MUCH PLOTTING. Bariah is like... look at that slut, I hope she dies. It's because of your clothes darling, you are her RIVAL in fabulousness and that WILL NOT STAND. SOOOO don't blame Peace on this one. Bariah is like... fuck off out of our lives, you're nobody now. STAY AWAY FROM THE KIDS. And Ebi and Mari are like LOL WE LOVE HER. Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:47 pm (UTC) cutyouificould: Ebilene
Elizabeth wants so badly to teach this girl how to fight. xD Alex and Sam teased the shit out of her when they were kids. Peace would know her from being around the palace and being you know, her aunt. XD Peace likes her even though she's miffed about the whole dad/mom situation. I offer up Ebele for possible companion at some point. Ebele moved away but she might have known her from before she moved. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:22 am (UTC) allpentup
Ebi wishes xD Ahaha, and she was like WELL I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU APART BECAUSE YOU'RE SUCH A GIRL, SAM. OH WAIT, YOU'RE ALEX. THE MANLY EYEBROWS CONFUSED ME. My girls love Peace back! And Ebi and Ebele definitely know each other a teeny bit at the very least from before her move. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 02:32 pm (UTC) cutyouificould
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. A FORMIDABLE OPPONENT. Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:50 pm (UTC) cutyouificould: Maricosa
Louis and Elizabeth adore her. Adrienne is around her age and even though they are on different planets, I think Adi would enjoy showing her the ropes. For you best interest Maricosa, steer clear of your cousins Sam and Alex. Genevieve is fake sweet to her, in reality Gen is just a cranky bizz. Lily will gossip with just about anyone. Welcome to the swords Maircosa xD Don't be offended by the rumors she spreads about you. Liam... future hubby. He's super sweet and super awkward to her. Kohaku wants to so something with her hair. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:23 am (UTC) allpentup
LOVE FOR ALL. And I like all of this! Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:58 pm (UTC) cutyouificould: Imphera
Louis and Elizabeth dote on her. She's too adorable not to. She can be friends with Sam and Amara's demon spawns Ezra and Raja. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:24 am (UTC) allpentup
Yes to these! Bariah is like... :| at Elizabeth but Varvenis would be like EXCUSE ME? if she tried to keep her away. Tue, May. 31st, 2011 11:34 pm (UTC) staveitoff
So yeah, Christoph REALLY does NOT get along with his father so is Varvenis going to side with his father when the war breaks out? Obviously Bariah and Odilia don't get along. I was thinking Kaspar might have a mini-crush on Ebilene especially if he hangs out with the Ayatollah. ALL of my girls will be friends with Maricosa and Imphera... except maybe the bitchy twin of mine (I can never remember which one is which and they're MY characters LOL). Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:31 am (UTC) allpentup
OOOH. Varvenis is very loyal to Kingston, but then there is the whole... not wise to piss off the neighboring kingdom thing. FAMILY, Y U NO GET ALONG? This is because Odilia is sensible xD HA, YESSSSSS. That old creeper has a thing for her so he's probably inadvertently talked her up to be some wonderful goddess or something at him xD WHOOPS. Judging by your icon keywords, I think Hilde might have been the bitchy one ;) Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:12 pm (UTC) allpentup
MOAR Pentacles: Khan Vidal, the Ayatollah, Khiresh, Khan Nazim and Nahema al-Dinar Tue, May. 31st, 2011 11:40 pm (UTC) staveitoff
Dalla is also a spy so maybe Khiresh and her know each other... or something? Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:32 am (UTC) allpentup
Oooh, do you know who Dalla spies for, or is she just.. OUT SPYING? Maybe they can be suspicious of each other but they can't say or do anything about it because it'll just blow their covers? Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 12:10 am (UTC) cutyouificould: Khiresh
She could definitely get info out of almost any of these kids. Especially Kohaku and Lily. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:33 am (UTC) allpentup
AHAHAHA AND YOU KNOW IT ;) Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 12:17 am (UTC) cutyouificould: Khan Nazim and Nahema al-Dinar
Ebele and Peace like them both. I offer them to youuuuuuuuu! Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:34 am (UTC) allpentup
GOOD. They need friends! I suspect Nahema will be the more friend-ish one and Arif by extension (friends with my wife, that makes you my friend too). He's just a bit too busy to be socializing, and her peacetime profession is quite conducive to it. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 02:33 pm (UTC) cutyouificould
Awesome! Totally works for me :) Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:13 pm (UTC) allpentup
Pentacles: Cruise Control: Prophetess Orché, Faiz Veçhzma, Tarven Smith Tue, May. 31st, 2011 11:53 pm (UTC) staveitoff
I think Tse (the orphan kid) would know Faiz and Tarven fairly well just from being around. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:36 am (UTC) allpentup
Yes! Tarven would be a sort of... watchful adult and Faiz is just all over the kingdom with who she knows (and she can handle kids, particularly if he's overinquisitive or bratty because that's what she was like). Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 01:05 am (UTC) cutyouificould: Faiz Veçhzma and Tarven Smith
Peace likes them both a lot. NORMAL PEOPLE. LET'S HANG PLEASE. Ebele probably knew them when she lived in the Pents kingdom. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:38 am (UTC) allpentup
YES to Ebele, and MOST LIKELY YES to Peace. She's just a little more higher in the class system than they are, but they're friendly! Tarven probably more likely on that front because he's in with Finnarch. Faiz is kind of... not liked (if asked in public, behind closed doors all those hypocrite bastards are lining up for her) Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 02:36 pm (UTC) cutyouificould
Ebele probably threw back a few pints with them xD She might try to sneak back in to see them both. I think that's why Peace likes Faiz XD She's not a huge fan of Temperance and most of the work she does that is close to her heart is definitely questionable in society so she probably is attracted to Faiz in that way. NONE OF THAT GAY SHIT. XD Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:14 pm (UTC) allpentup
Sass's Non-Pentacles: Ráimundr Kjærstad of Swords, Itsuki Hideki of Cups, Prince August of Staves, Siri Haugaard of Runes Tue, May. 31st, 2011 10:29 pm (UTC) thpaghettithoth
Nadia has the hots for August, indifferent toward Raimundr and Siri, and is probably one of the women that gossips about Hideki and Rikku. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 06:38 am (UTC) allpentup
This is all good! Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 01:16 am (UTC) cutyouificould: Ráimundr Kjærstad
Louis and Elizabeth both really like Ráimundr, Louis probably invites him to Swords defense and political discussions. Louis and Ráimundr = bffs. Louis will try to talk her into bbies. Tristan likes him as well. Anyone good with Lou is good with him. Adi might try to get him to spar and teach her new techniques. YOU'RE DADDY'S FRIEND! TEACH ME THINGS! Genevieve is indifferent. Alex luuuuuuuuuuuuurves him but it's going to take some convincing with the bb situation. Sam respects him and feels bad for him sometimes because he knows Alex is a handful. XD Liam really likes him, he's nice and diplomatic, not always willing to bash a sword over someone's head. Lily loves him and Kohaku thinks Alex is a very lucky girl. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 07:16 am (UTC) allpentup
YES, ALL THESE THINGS. But he'll be like... wouldn't you rather *not* fight to Adi xD *half-hearted sparring* This is really not the way to solve problems! AND BB, PLEASE, LET'S MAKE BABIES. He likes Lily and Kohaku but thinks they're kind of handfuls xD Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 02:37 pm (UTC) cutyouificould
ADI: FIGHT ME TO THE DEATH!!!!!! Just kiddin! Fake death! Let's go! Hoq do they do shit in the Runes?! I gotta tell this to Mari! Alex: :| can't we just enjoy each other's company for a little while longer >.> *knows she's going to be a terrible preggo lady* Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 01:19 am (UTC) cutyouificould: Itsuki Hideki
RIKKUUUUUU. BEST FRIENDSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. She insists on tea in the garden STAT. Yumi likes him as well! Though she might not be around much as her adventures are always pulling her away. Elizabeth will definitely hire him to work on the Swords gardens if he's down. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 07:16 am (UTC) allpentup
I talked about the girls in your post, but HELL YES he's down for snazzing up the Swords gardens! Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 01:23 am (UTC) cutyouificould: August Westerveldt
Pascal says "what's up bro? wanna go trollin?" Filthy little whores. Lily also says "sup?" Adi thinks he's an idiot though. Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 07:18 am (UTC) allpentup
HAAA, WAY AHEAD OF YOU BRO. WE'RE HITTING THIS PLACE, THEN THIS ONE, THEN THAT ONE, AND MACKING ON EVERY LADY WE SEE ON THE WAY BETWEEN THEM. Sup Lily ;D Adi is... well, I was going to say 'too young for him' but when has that ever stopped him before. *facepalm* Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 02:38 pm (UTC) cutyouificould
YES!!!!! TERRORIZE THE WOMEN FOLK! Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 01:27 am (UTC) cutyouificould: Siri Haugaard
Brynja and Úlfr would definitely know her. They are both vets of the Runic War and trying to help the kingdom put itself back together. Brynja is the high chief's daughter. :O Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011 07:18 am (UTC) allpentup
Covered this in yours :) YAAAAAY. Though I'm starting to wonder if there IS peaceful times for Siri, or if she just sails off to wherever WAR is to pimp out her services. |