14 June 2011 @ 02:26 pm
Sparring (Open)  
Who: Adrienne, Samuel, and OPEN!
What: Adrienne and Sam are sparing when some potentially interesting happens
Where: Swords Kingdom, palace training grounds
When: Tuesday afternoon

Adrienne spun on her heel, bringing her sword around. Metal met metal in a loud crash, her hand shook a little at the reverberation but that was barely anything. She jumped back and brought her sword around again and held it pointed at her opponent, challenging him to swing again.

Samuel had to admit she was becoming quite the challenger. They had practically grown up together but Adi was always just a little bit smaller, a little bit younger, a little bit slower. Her age was starting to show less as they got older though, she had learned to use her size as a weapon. No one expected such a sweet looking girl to wield a sword with such power. He stuck out again, giving her a slightly more challenging swipe with his own sword. "You're getting quite good little one," Samuel grinned as she deflected the blow with a lithe turn.