01 February 2011 @ 04:11 pm
(Log) Meeting of the minds  
Who: King Varvenis Westerveldt of Pentacles, Princess Maricosa Westerveldt of Pentacles, Queen Elizabeth of Swords and Prince Liam of Swords
When: Thursday morning
Where: Swords Castle
What: A marriage is arranged

The conversation had been a short and tense one. Liam had seen something like this coming for years. Elizabeth had informed Liam that his Uncle Varvenis was coming with Maricosa and they were to discuss a possible marriage arrangement. Elizabeth told Liam that she would give him as much time to come to terms with it, but it was basically finalized. "Why do you do this to me mother?" Liam asked holding his head in his hands. "All I want to do is read my books and travel."

"Sometimes my dear son we must make sacrifices to ensure a brighter future. And we must all do things we don't want to do to ensure the suffering of our enemies," Elizabeth said simply.

“What enemies?” )
01 February 2011 @ 04:05 pm
(Letters exchange) King Varvenis of Pentacles and Queen Elizabeth of Swords  
Dearest sister,
I hope this letter finds you well. I write that I may ask a favor of you. My dear Maricosa has yet again expressed her wish to be married and has charged me with the task of finding her an acceptable suitor. I cannot think of any young man in the empire I would sooner trust with my daughter's hand that that of your son Liam. Bariah is of course completely opposed to the idea, but I feel in this instance that my wisdom far exceeds hers. Please think favorably upon my request, for Mari's sake.

Yours, Varvenis


Dearest Varvenis,

I think your proposal is a good one. You have always been wise of character my brother and I trust your judgment. Liam is a most excellent match for your Mari and I know he would take good care of her. The two of them could be insured a very bright future if they get married. I think it may be best if we have a meeting in person before we set anything in motion.

Yours, Elizabeth


Dearest Elizabeth,

You are as always the voice of reason. I will have a traveling party prepared to set off immediately, and we shall make all haste to Swords on the morrow. Mari will be most excited to see you-- and, of course, her bethrothed.

Yours, Varvenis